What would you do if you was attacked by a man with a knife at Night

If you only wound when shooting the person inthe knee (in countries where that's an option) he'll just hit you with a lawsuit that's infinately larger then the cash you happen to be carrying in your wallet... and you'll likely loose because you've now degraded this persons quality of life as odds have it, they won't be able to walk well anymore.

Reminds me of a friend on mine... he left his truck to go into a store to get smokes and something to drink, when he came back out he saw somebody climbing into the back through the sliding window... so he sprints across the parking lot, vaults into the back grabs the guy by the legs hauls him out and them proceeds to bounce his head off some concrete samples and then tosses him out of the truck.
The cops came up, said they'd seen the whole thing and that my friend was very lucky he hadn't thrown the guy out of his truck because he could have been charged if he kept beating him in the parking lot... his truck is his property.
The cops had been waiting for the guy to get out of the truck before the arrested him.
On my property, yes.

Tell me... What would YOU feel if you found a uninvited intruder on your property or in your home? Don't you think you would feel a bit threatened?

Personally, if the intruder is outside the house but on the property, they just get to see me, with my weapon and a stern order to get off my property. But if they are in the house, they are seconds away from a meeting with God. No WAY am I taking any chances with my wife and daughter in the house.

See... that leaves the window a bit too open for me. Let's say you have some neighborhood teenagers pull a prank on you. You see some people in the dark on your property, you feel threatened, you pull the trigger... and there you go. I am sure lots of accidents have happened this way. If you have reasonable belief that someone is coming after you...well, different story.

But I don't want to turn this into a gun law discussion... it just amazed me :)
If you only wound when shooting the person inthe knee (in countries where that's an option) he'll just hit you with a lawsuit that's infinately larger then the cash you happen to be carrying in your wallet... and you'll likely loose because you've now degraded this persons quality of life as odds have it, they won't be able to walk well anymore..

I agree
See... that leaves the window a bit too open for me. Let's say you have some neighborhood teenagers pull a prank on you. You see some people in the dark on your property, you feel threatened, you pull the trigger... and there you go. I am sure lots of accidents have happened this way. If you have reasonable belief that someone is coming after you...well, different story.

But I don't want to turn this into a gun law discussion... it just amazed me :)

Personal responsibility Jules. Such a situation would be tragic, but I would feel no guilt if it did. The pranksters made a choice and forced me to do likewise.

And like I said, as long as they are not IN the house, but just on the property, they would get ample warning before I opened fire. IN the house, they are dead meat.
jules im with you...it seems too easy for accidents to happen with a loaded gun...

Well if that is the criteria, are you for banning Automobiles as well? A lot of unskilled drivers kill people everyday.

You sound like a typical hoplophobe. It's easy to be scared of something you do not understand.
She didn't call anyone a jackass. She said you come across as a jackass. Big difference. And you do come across as a jackass.

Oh yea, big difference, thanks for clearing that up. You're all so kind.
Sigh !! Came back here to see if there were other suggestions ..... I will not have a gun ! Me having a gun at my age would only mean my death by a knife . I'd rather use my head and and try to figure out my best escape . No one would enter my house with the sole purpose of murder . They'd be after something .

i personally feel if i am paying taxes from my paychecks which i work just as hard as you to earn then i sould have some benefits form that...but i dont qualify for medicade...
the americans are paying healthcare taxes just like those in the uk, the difference being everyne can use those taxes, in the us, only those that qualify can benefit from the taxes comming out of my payckeck....

That's incorrect. First, the citizens of the UK and Canada are paying a lot more in taxes in regards to health care for a crappy system that does not work. They have created long waiting lists. You get a lump in your breast you're looking a 4-6 months before you can get checked out. That is why the come to states, to get quick and much better care. The US does not deny health care to those who can't pay. Everyone can get treated. Therefore everyone can benefit even though they do not pay taxes. Call me more names please.
Sigh !! Came back here to see if there were other suggestions ..... I will not have a gun ! Me having a gun at my age would only mean my death by a knife . I'd rather use my head and and try to figure out my best escape . No one would enter my house with the sole purpose of murder . They'd be after something .

Ask FoxyWench about what happened in Cheshire CT about a month ago.
Puck for someone that is so religious you sure don't have a problem with killing people....doesn't make any sense to me.

I was waiting for somebody to drop this one. Also, of course it does not make sense to you. As a admitted atheist, what could you really understand about faith?

I have a HUGE problem with killing people. In NO way have I enjoyed it and will certainly not enjoy it if faced with the need to do it again.

But I will also agree that it is a subject of debate, even within the Christian community. I've done much soul searching on the topic and decided that I need to protect myself and my family, even if it means resorting to the use of lethal force. I pray I never have to use it, but will without hesitation if necessary. God gives everybody a free will and if a person exercises that will to try and deny myself or my family their life... I will do what is necessary to protect it.

Some reference if you care...


I have to add I find it hilarious how hard you heathens try to point out when we of faith SEEM to act in ways YOU do not think is correct. Why?
That is why the come to states, to get quick and much better care. The US does not deny health care to those who can't pay. Everyone can get treated. Therefore everyone can benefit even though they do not pay taxes. Call me more names please.

yes...then as i said before...they take your home and everything you have because you don't have the health care or funds to pay for that emergency treatment they didn't refuse to you...sure your alive but now you have no home because the ambulance ride alone cost you a months wages!
least in the uk yes you might have to wait 3 months for a mammogram but if you get hit by a car you get er treatment and no hidden costs afterwards...

And as an added bonus, there is a Private sector just like here in the us, this private sector is made available through health insurance programs through work and independant companies just like here in the us, people pay extra out of their paychecks for this extra service to get paid health and faster treatment and it costs about the same as it does each month as it does here in the us...this is not a secret and yet most people still stay with national health service...
(the only Dr's i truly agree go to America for are dentists, the dentists ive had in the uk are simply vicious)

and actually more European people going out of country are going to India for medical treatment and Mexico for gastric and plastic surgeries, not America, sorry to burst your bubble, but those are 2 countries with amazing Dr's (if you do your research) at a much lower cost.

as for guns and cars and everything else...i do think cars are dangerous, especially with some of the insane driving i've seen since moving over here. do i think they should be banned? NO, just like i don't belive guns should be banned, i do however think there should be better support laws and tests to go along with using and owning them...
just like i think people should have to pass a test for owning other things like animal (cause goddess knows some people shouldn't be allowed to own pets either)

but it seems this is going nowhere...because i actually liked the uk health care system i must be one of those spoilt, want everything free liberals...and just because i don't like guns i must be afraid of them and want them banned...

and i guess because i'm pagan i must be one of those lesbian femenists too huh?!
or im a 22 yr old white girl living with her parents, i must want to be paris hilton right?

as for the gun debate, give me a good ole claymore anyday, least i know how to use that and it gives me options of stun remove limb or kill...yay!
(and yes i DO know how to use both live and stage steal in a defensive and offensive way, i can also use quaterstaff and full staff in both manners also...
mabe i just prefer somethign a little more...personal...

YAY for the Heathens! extra points if your a "liberal" and from the UK!
there should be a special club for us...
yes...then as i said before...they take your home and everything you have because you don't have the health care or funds to pay for that emergency treatment they didn't refuse to you...sure your alive but now you have no home because the ambulance ride alone cost you a months wages!
least in the uk yes you might have to wait 3 months for a mammogram but if you get hit by a car you get er treatment and no hidden costs afterwards...

Very well stated. And the hospitals will charge you as much as they can--it's insane. And re-bill you for things, expecting payment again. And bill you for things that you never had done to you. It's such an example of mass incompetence I can only begin to think it is done on purpose.
noludoro, thank you and your very right.

a semi friend of mins just found out 3 yrs later she owes $10,000 from an emergency that she was told was 1/2 covered for by insurance origionally, the a year later got a bill for the entire $10,000 which shed already paid $5000 towards, after going through hell wiht her insurance company she ended up paying the entire $10,000, but the hospital never gave her a recipt, and now 3 years since, she just reacently recived a bill stating she never paid anything, and if she doesnt pay the entire $10,000 now they are taking it! its been 2 weeks and shes still fighting hell and high water over this with the hospital and her laywer.

Its insane...considering the us health care is aaprently such a superior system...

Noludoro, i hope this never happend to you...
and actually more European people going out of country are going to India for medical treatment and Mexico for gastric and plastic surgeries, not America, sorry to burst your bubble, but those are 2 countries with amazing Dr's (if you do your research) at a much lower cost.

You mean all the amazing Dr's who received their degrees in the USA?

I am guilty of introducing health care, but not the gun issue. I believe Puck
gets credit for that. I couldn't resist though with the mention of the 5 hour wait to draw blood. Difference is what you probably don't grasp, you wait 5 hours here in the states for blood work, that is what you call a 'fluke', a scheduling 'fubar' if you will. In the universal or socialized system, you can be rest assured that is far more common place and probably considered the norm in many places, to wait 5 hrs. I remember when the Clinton's tried to socialize health care his first year in office. You mentioned you are 22 so you were a young girl at the time and probably don't remember. It got bogged down in Congress for like 2 years, a complete waste of time. Americans weren't going to tolerate the Clinton's destroying our health care system.

yes...then as i said before...they take your home and everything you have because you don't have the health care or funds to pay for that emergency treatment they didn't refuse to you...sure your alive but now you have no home because the ambulance ride alone cost you a months wages!
least in the uk yes you might have to wait 3 months for a mammogram but if you get hit by a car you get er treatment and no hidden costs afterwards...

There are people with the means to pay, and simply refuse. Even if you send them 5 bucks a month you can keep them off your back. On the flip-side, you can't get blood from a stone. Many people don't care if they come after them, they have nothing to begin with.

True, the biggest downfall of our system is the corruption and greed within the system. That is where the real problem lies, and unfortunately the only way to limit the greed and corruption like you mentioned (bogus charges, duplicate billing for the same procedure, the office scam where they say they accept the insurance but the doctor that saw you is not on the plan), is to start putting people in jail or let the government control your health care.
I don't trust our government with health care. If there is a way to screw it up, they find it like just about everything else.

Last year in the Spring time, my daughter fell off her bike. She scraped her face really hard and it looked pretty nasty. I was at work. My wife drove her to the local walk-in clinic. Apparently nobody was qualified at the office to determine if she had a concussion, so they recommended to my wife the ambulance ride to the ER. I paid the deductibles, paid the hospital my portion and thought it was settled. Eight months later, two weeks before Christmas I receive another bill for about 100 for the ambulance. I called to inquire and they stated there was a "jump-in". A jump-in I asked, what do you mean? They told me somewhere along the interstate highway, the ambulance pulled over to the side and another Paramedic jumped into the ambulance. You see the two paramedics were apparently not enough, so they figured they needed the head trauma specialist paramedic to jump in as well and he never got paid.
These guys seem to have take a page out of the criminals play book in regards to jump-ins.

I spent half the evening at the hospital one night when my daughter had a high fever. She needed the potassium IV. Her fever was bad and we noticed her eyes rolling back we didn't wait for an ambulance, I drove her to the hospital. My wife stayed over and sat bedside, and the staff said it was OK for me to stay as well, catch some Z's in the chair. I got the bill and we we were also charged for that stay over like it was the Holiday Inn or something. All the charges for my daughter weren't enough, they need an extra $60 my rear end to sit in a chair. It is greed, excessive greed and plenty of bogus billing corruption as well. That is the problem with our system and the insatiable greed of these hospitals, clinics, kickback scams, etc., are ruining an otherwise great system. We will be looking at a socialized system and it will be the fault of the system itself for not be able to control the corruption and greed.
King Edward Medical University in Pakistan is one of the best medical universeties in the world...
and your right many good drs from forgihn countries train here in the us, or in the uk or in france, they then go to another country, it doesnt change the fact that people who cant afford healthcare here in the us fly all the way to inda to get treated so they dont get screwed by an expensive system. or because getting treatment in the us would send them into bankrupcy...
the last thing you need when your recovering from cancer is the debt collectors on your doorstep for your chemo therapy payments!

im not saying switch to the uk's system, its MORE than flawed, but look at the likes canada and australia, france, germany, all countries have aspects that are more than worth looking into and incorporating into our own...
making a socilized system available for the low income people that dont qualify for the likes of medicare while keeping an advanced private sector might be a good thing. im sure those that wouldnt be able to afford otherwise would have absolutly NO problems sitting in a waiting room for 6 hours for a dr if it means they can see a dr finally...
or make medical insurance more available and affordable for low income people...and by affordable i DONT mean current "independant" rates that are astronomically high even for a healthy white female none smoker in their 20s with straight a's and no medical conditions...health insurance without the aid of your buisness is simply too expensive...

theres no need to go all out and swap a system but learn from what works for other countries and include it in your own to Improve whats there...

i know i wouldnt mind wiating for 10 hours in the er for something none life threatening if i knew i could be seen by a real dr, get medication or whatever for my problem and not have to worry they are going to repo my car to pay for it...

its also well known and documented that the us pays high money for a less than perfect helthcare system
essentially stating the system is great for those that can afford it...but for the rest of us...OUCH


edit after seeing your post:
unfortunatly $5 a month wont cover it...minimum payments are a set percentage, just like with your credit card, dont pay enough ontime charges increase, eventually your so far in debt for what was something so simple...

right now i will admit, im having it hard, im brinign in just enough to pay rent and purchase food, my parents are having it tough too, they cant support me, if i ended up in hosptial tomorrow between us we do NOT have enough to make anymore than a $50 a month payment to pay the bill, this would cover aproximatly $1000 almost simply he cost of an abulance ride (which here averages at $75) they would repo my house 60 yrs from now before id be able to pay them off by the time the financing charges and interest builds up...
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