Ubuntu for dummies?


Rude and Not Ginger
Jan 31, 2008
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So, I just installed Ubuntu on this netbook that I have. Problem is, I've never used t before. Can someone explain the ins and outs of it for me? Becca? Allie? Blue?

What can I do with it basically, there's a sidebar I'm not understanding and the email connection thingy isn't doing what I want it to do. Ect.

Its he 11.something 04 maybe version
11.04? Not my favorite. It's using Unity which I don't like at all. You can reboot and specify the "classic" view which should be much more intuitive. I hate that sidebar. I'm running 11.04 and have seriously considered dropping back to the long term release of 10.04.
I have no idea how to do that. :p

And I was typing from my phone earlier, that's why there's so many spelling mistakes, lol.
I love Ubuntu on my net book, but I don't have the version you do. My suggestion is just keep playing with it. It makes sense/intuative once you get used to it.

Edit.. this is Dekka, didn't notice Maf was still signed in. LOL guests who are on forums I am on.
What's a Keyring?
It's the master password that protects any saved passwords on your computer. Normally it is ridiculously encrypted. You'll use it normally to gain root permissions (make changes to your computer). It also uses it to preliminarily connect to the internet (i.e., your wireless password).
I haaaaaaate 11.04. As I mentioned in the other thread, I reverted to 10.04 and intend to stay there until that stupid Unity bar goes away forever.

You can re-install Ubuntu as often as you like using older versions if you prefer. 10.04 is very intuitive for native Windows users. In any version of Ubuntu, you'll be doing all of your installing of software via the Software Centre. You can also download packages from the internet if they're made for Linux and you have instructions.

If there's any Windows-only software you want to use on Ubuntu, download Wine and learn to use it. It allows you to run your favorite Windows programs in Ubuntu.

Otherwise, do what I did: Make good use of the abundant amounts of free support documentation on Ubuntu's website. It's a very intuitive OS, it just takes a bit of getting used to for native Windows folks. :)

Hope that helps!
Thanks you guys. I've been trying to figure out Banshee and how to get open office and calibre on here. I may revert to 10.04 if its easier for a windows user. Ive only ever used windows, not even a Mac for any extended period of time.
Blue and Allie-
How do I get Lightroom to work under wine?
Blue and Allie-
How do I get Lightroom to work under wine?

Lightroom might be tricky - I've had a lot of issues running any Adobe software, including Lightroom, in Wine - I assume it's due to the amount of CPU usage they hog, since I have a similar problem with other CPU-hogging software.

Blue might be able to chime in with a solution. Since I only run Ubuntu sole on my netbook (my work PC is dual-partitioned for Ubuntu and Windows), the more power-hungry software hasn't had to be run under Wine.
Okay. I am completely frustrated trying to get software to install on here. I got the correct download for Calibre, my ebook management tool of choice, but the software center is killing me. I'm actually really liking the sidebar for the workspace switcher thingymabob, because I have a couple windows open on one for looking stuff up about ubuntu, and how to do stuff, and then coming over to another for fb and chaz, ect lol

I got 10.04 put on a usb drive, but I'm not sure how to get it to install over 11.04.

I'm slowly getting it though. I'm not a fan of the firefox on here though. It's not as... polished? as the one on my windows machine, and I can't get the stumbleupon bar for the life of me. :P
Also, no clue whatsoever about how to use the terminal. None. Is that necessary?
Don't worry about the terminal for now. It is super powerful but certainly has a learning curve.

What is giving you trouble in the software center? I just use Synaptic Package Manager. But, the software center should work, too.

Also, if you want to go back 10.04, you should be able to just reformat and start from scratch, but I never installed it on a netbook. So, I'm not sure.
I can SEE the software center thing. But I can't FIND the software center to install stuff. I don't see that option. ??
Also, no clue whatsoever about how to use the terminal. None. Is that necessary?

When you get more used to Linux and Ubuntu you may start using the terminal more. I actually find it easier and faster to install or remove programs in the terminal then the Software Center or Synaptic. Sometimes Im just a glutton for punishment and use the terminal to force myself to learn it.

I can SEE the software center thing. But I can't FIND the software center to install stuff. I don't see that option. ??

Maybe its just because Im tired, but can you see and search the Software Center to find what you need? What exactly is frustrating you about it? For instance I found Calibre just using the search box, all I would have had to do to install it was sellect install and enter my password.

You can also try the Synaptic Package Manager that Ella's Dad suggested, its found under System>Administration.

And to 2nd what Ella's Dad said you could just start from scratch with 10.04. Over the last year +4 months Ive lost track of reinstalling on everything except my main desktop. My main desktop just works with 10.04, at least I dont think I had to do much tweaking. The other desktop, server and desktop are constantly being messed with and sometimes I just forget what I did and start over.
I had searched for the software center before, and it brought up what was already installed in a list type thing. I finally actually figured out how to open it, and then I could search for calibre and install it. I don't know why it didn't work the first time.

So far, I'm enjoying it. I've stuck with 11.04 for now though. It also took me a minute to figure out how to add music to Banshee, dragging and dropping didn't work how I thought it should lol.

I haven't messed with Wine yet, I think I might, if I decide I really do need iTunes, but I think that Banshee can sync my iPod for me. I do like the fact that I can choose to download and install stuff from the Software Center, now that I've figured it out, and I don't have to actually search the internet for stuff, haha
Good deal on getting the Software Center working.

All of my music is on my server and I want to keep it there, importing it to my desktop or netbook doesnt make much sense to me right now.

I dont know how well the iPod syncs with Ubuntu, as I dont iPod or Apple anything, not even sure if it works with Wine. You check with UbuntuForums.org for iPod and Wine related stuff.

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