Tyson just had his 1st seziure

Feb 25, 2005
Okay, here's what happened. I came home for lunch to let Tyson & Princess out to potty and to stretch their legs a little - plus it's just a beautiful day outside right now they should go out and enjoy it too. Anyway, I let Tyson out 1st, put him on his running lead they have outside, & came back in to grab a bite to eat. After a little while I decided to switch so I took Princess out & put her on the lead. Instead of putting Tyson on his leash to go back in I just let him loose so he could run to the front door himself - like I said it's such a pretty day & he looked as though he wanted to roamp a bit. Normally they're not off some sort of leash/lead ever but in this case I knew I could keep an eye on him to make sure he went where he was supposed to go & he's usually pretty reliable about that. If he started to go near the road I could still grab him. Anyway, so we get to the front door & he stops before he goes in - like he was going to try to turn & run back into the yard to play. I grabbed his collar (not pulling or anything, just had ahold of it incase he did try to run) & I told him to go on inside. Well he just stood there so I let go of his collar & nudged his rear-end trying to get him inside, all of a sudden leaned up against my leg (seemed like he was trying to sweet talk me into leaving him out) I backed up a bit & he got real stiff & fell over - stiff as a board!! He just layed there for about 5 seconds then he got back up & walked inside, his eyes were still rolling back into his head. He walked down the hall leaning against the wall as he did then he went into the bedroom & layed down. I about panicked - I kept asking if he was okay (like he could really answer me lol) once I saw he wasn't dying I immediatly called the vet---I was ready to load him up and rush him where ever just to make sure he was okay. She said that is was normal for breeds like boxers & dobermans etc to have them & that since it wasn't bad to keep a diary of them for the next 2 months and call back then and we'd discuss it (if they kept happening) - & to naturally bring him in if they did get worse in the meantime. She said there was medicine for it but usually the medicine was worse than the seziures & that we should try to keep him off of it unless it got to the point that he can't live without it (like my mother-in-laws pomeranian. Have any of you had to deal with seziures (esp in boxers)?? Do you have your dog on the medicine & does it help?? Any suggestions on how to handle this - I tell you I was terrified!!
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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
I had a mix dog that had a full blown seizure when she was 6 years old (scared me to death - I thought she was dieing) but she never had another one and she lived to be 16 years old. Hopefully, this will be the case with your dog. If not, I'm sure your vet will walk you through the medications. Good luck!


Border Collie Lover
Feb 6, 2005

One of my boys had a fit about 3 weeks ago. He had never had one before and I agree it is REALLY scary. He is a year old collie/GSD X who is deaf. He was fast asleep with his head on my lap when suddenly he lifted his head started drooling and went into a fit. He was flat on his side with his eyes wide open and his whole body was jerking. It lasted about 3 minutes and afterwards he seemed really confused and very scared. I took him to see my vet the next day and was told more or less the same thing. To keep a diary and that they don't like giving the medication unless they HAVE to. I did a bit of reserch in case it was epilepsy and discoved that some herbal pills I had been using for one of my other dogs was also a treatment for epilepsy. They are called Skullcap and valerium. I discussed them with the vet and she said that they can't do any harm. Luckily he hasn't had another fit (yet) but if he starts having them regularly I am going to try them.
I don't know where you are but I have got the web address of a UK company that sell them, I am sure they sell worldwide, if you decide you would like to get hold of some and have difficulty finding them.
Anyway I will keep my fingers crossed for your furbaby and hope that it's just a one off.


Super Moderator
Nov 25, 2003
Jacksonville, Florida
Jake our Sheltie, had seizures, when he was younger. It would always scare us to death, and we would rush him to the vet, thinking it was poisoning or something. Strange thing is he was eating store bought dog food. We for other reasons, put him on Flint River dog food. Ever since then, he has not had another seizure. I don't know if this had anything to do with the dog food, but I am so happy that he as been seizure free. :)
Feb 25, 2005
Thanks everyone for all the support & advice. I've started my diary of his seziures & luckily he's still only had the one - that we know of (& also luckily it was soooo mild - I mean it started & stopped almost immediately). I may have mentioned before, he's a major chewer. We have to be oh so on top of everything in our house. He's right at 2 years old (will be 2 on July 25th - yah, happy birthday!!) & he's still chewing on everything like he was a 6 month old puppy. He knows he's not supposed to & he's got TONS of appropriate toys but he seems to get the most satisfaction from my socks & dish towels. He threw up the day before he had the seziure & I noticed it was shreds of towel that he was throwing up. It was one I clean with usually & I had just washed it & it went missing, I thought I put it up & forgot about it but a few days later I found part of it (hid none-the-less, he knows he gets in trouble if I find it - he hates time outs!!) so I knew what happened. It worries me because I know one day I'm going to have to take him in to have something surgically removed from his intestines & I try so hard to keep these things from him but he always finds them. He can't even have cloth or rope toys. We found out that he rips the cloth ones apart & eats the stuffing inside then a few days later he eats the actual cloth if we don't throw it away immediately & the rope toys he chews on and eats the strings that come off until little by little it's all gone. Only tennis balls and plastic toys for him!! I'm pretty sure it was the towel that caused the seziure but we're still monitoring him anyway. I've started "Tyson proofing" the house every morning making sure my husband doesn't leave ANYTHING cloth out for him to get, hubby has a bad habit of that. I've warned him not to before but he still does, he loves to take a dish towl & shake it around in front of them both to get them to pull on one end to play with it. I tell him they're never going to fully learn they're not supposed to play with those things if he doesn't quit playing with them like that. When Tyson had his seziure I called my husband on his cell phone & left him a message that would scare anyone - I told him that something happened to Ty & he needed to call me back ASAP - I didn't go into details but I told him enough to get him worried. Hopefully since asking, begging & pleading hasn't gotten him to understand that he has to be more careful what he introduces to them maybe I can scare it into him!! Was that so wrong - for the sake of my baby I don't think so lol.
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Nope, he needed an eye-opener! You might want to stick to organic, non-toxic cleaning formulas, though - just to be sure. I hope that's all it was and he never has another one! Keep us in informed - you just know we're going to worry! ;)
Apr 22, 2004
Godd thing the seizures were'nt bad... I had two dogs that got into some ratpioson I think and they died because of the seizures they had... thats a fate not even a rat deserves..
Feb 25, 2005
Renee750il said:
I stumbled across a good article on canine seizures : http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/Graves.html

Wow - that is a great article - very informative. I'm actually going to print it and put it with his medical files in the filing cabinet. Thanks so much!!
Oh - and just an update...he's still doing fine. No signs of sickness and/or seziures since. Now our only problem is that his allergies are acting up just a bit - not enough to worry about or anything but his runny eyes are driving Princess crazy!! She sits beside him all day long licking his face to clean him - she's VERY maternal - and she's done it so much she's actually licked a sore on one of his beautiful wrinkles (I love wrinkly dogs hehehe). I have to keep them separated as much as possible and put ointment on it twice a day - poor guy, he can't get any breaks!!


New Member
Jul 27, 2004
New York
Wow, I haven't come to this forum in a long time. My dog Boo had his first seizure (grand mal) sometime in early January of this year and it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. We took him to the vet shortly after and they checked everything from blood to the thryoid 6 panel and nothing came up. The vet said to wait it out because she didn't want to put him on medication in case it was a one time deal. She told us to wait 3 months, and exactly 3 months later he had another one. He actually had THRE in less than 24 hours. (this was just last week). We've started him on Potassium Bromide and, so far so good. The side effects have been kinda hard to deal with, but they're supposed to go away eventually. Honestly, the best website I've ever come across it this http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/ If it wasn't for that, I'd have no idea what to do...but I do now and I feel a lot more comfortable (I've been a complete wreck over this). Apparently this is something that happens with a lot of dogs (and yes it does happen a lot with Boxers,my cousin has one & she had seizures when they first got her). As long as you know what to do and what can trigger it ,how to keep a healthy and stress free environment, then you and your pup should be okay.

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