this is disgusting!


New Member
Nov 7, 2005
ok, i came home from class a couple hours ago and there were all these cop cars at the "frat" (they arent recognized by the school) and the animal control truck and the conservation officers car. i was like what is going on? i could not for the life of me think of a reason the animal control would be there, maybe they were fighting dogs? but i have never heard any barking or anything coming from there. but all morning my two dogs, my roommates dog, and the dogs next door were flipping out. come to find out, some other students were trying to play a prank on the frat and had killed 2 deer, a coyote, and a racoon and gutted them in the house and smeared the insides all over the walls and floor, ect. then they dumped one deer out in the dumpster behind the house. how aweful! i am shocked, the cops and others are still there right now. i saw the animal control carrying the dear bodies out to their truck, i felt so bad. and apparently the frat knows who did it and arent telling the cops because they dont want the people to get in trouble, STUPID. so the cops fined them $1000. they are going to mark the house off as a crime scene and not let the people that live there back in, which who would want to anyway, im sure it reaks. who ever thought this idea up needs some psychiatric (sp?) help, that is not normal. and on top of it, its hunting season and none of them have lisences they will get in trouble for that. i will make sure to get the paper tomorrow and see if there is an article about it, i just cant believe that this happened just 2 houses down from me! sick!
:confused: :mad:
Cory.. what's the address ??? Being from Muncie, I read the Star/Press on line daily. I'll be sure to lurk tomorrow !!!
deer incident

i dont know their address exactly, (cause lots of the houses dont have numbers on them), anyway its on w. jackson st. by campus. its crazy town!

tomorrow i am going to get the city paper and then a campus paper and see what they write, i mean, im assuming that they would right something about it. so we will see what they have to say about it.......icky
That's just completely uncalled least they didn't all get drunk and go steal dogs out of yards for the blood sacrifice...

for sure! there are three dogs that live in my house and three dogs in three houses immediately around me, so i would have just had a kiniption (i dont know how to spell that, hah) fit if they would have done that. apparently there was like 50 empty beer cans/bottles in the driveway, but who knows when those were drank. it is a frat, they could have just accumulated over time.
conniption :)

Yeah, accumulated over three days maybe. :rolleyes: Sounds like a Sig Tau house to me...
dont know

i dont know what they call themselves, they arent recognized by the university, (and if they were i would hope they would be kicked off because of this). i heard it was kinda a smart kid frat, but i dont know any of them. maybe the paper tomorrow will say what they call themselves?

i got a campus paper and a local paper today and there was nothing in either about it. maybe its under investigation so they arent writing about it yet. so i will keep checking i guess
You see it's mother *you know the word that goes here* that get me so ticked off. That was so awful. I hope that one of the animals had a desiease and then those jerks could get it! God, why do they do it? I can't seem to understand it. If I were part of that frat, I'd report them. In less then a minute!
i know! i dont know why they are covering for whoever did it! i would be so pissed if were to come back home and something that disturbing happened? thats like the begining signs of a serial killer for sure!
I do hope it makes the paper for all to see what a horrible act was done.

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