The 'why I love you' thread, part II


*Finding My Inner Fila*
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
To steal a phrase (or two or three) from Saje...

Everyone should participate. Write one post about a chaz member who has touched you in some way. I know that most of us have many friends here or even if they aren't good friends they have still meant a lot to us.

'Tis always the season for sharing, love and kindness ;)

So, how about it, everyone... a thread for love.. and ONLY love... ;)
Over the years there are too many for me to list !!! I will say though , that after 3 very special Mod Meets, these gals are special to me because I have met them . All are so special in their own way .
Awww okay i can do this.

I will have to say Samantha, pixiesticksandtricks.
Through all of the stuff thats been going on with me she has been there for me and has listened and gave me advice. We have laughed, planned to go to college together, made plans to go riding together, and everything.
I see her as a very great friend and someone I would really like to meet in the near future.
I love you girl, and I mean it. You rock!
hmm, I had to really think about this and I'll say Saje.
She's one member that sticks out from the beginning here as being really supportive and someone that listens. I have great respect for her posts and usuaslly see her saying the right thing at just the right time.
I can imagine her being a very gentle person but scary as hell when something she loves is threatened. She seems very balanced in herself, I respect that and she's one chazzer that one duy I would love to meet.

And Renee but that goes without saying ;)
Well Renee of course because she is always there to talk no matter what she is dealing with in her own life.

but I really must make special mention of a member that doesn't come by very much these days and Ihope she will stop by again soon....

Nancy. Nancy was our rock when I was pregnant and when Hannah was admitted to the NICU. she was so helpful and gave me so much advice for the delivery room and I remember thinking of her words when I was pushing. When hannah was admitted to the NICU with Pneumonia only two days after she was born... we were devestated. We didn't know what to think. the dr's and nurses talked to us but at that point in time not much was sinking in as we were just sick with worry. Nancy was there. She talked us through EVERYTHING that was going on and really helped put us at ease as much as possible. I am forever grateful for Nancy.
I had only been on this forum a short time, but the night Logan got lost, so many members, that barely know me, lept to my aid by offering to put up posters etc. I was deeply touched! While we were staggering around in the woods trying to find him, they were already to go to help us get the word out. Borzois can travel great distances in a short amount of time- and obviously they realized this. We were deeply touched and " why I love you"..
I would have to say Grace and Jen :).

Grace you helped me out sooo much when I got Spy. I piled questions upon question on you and you never complained and did your best to answer all of them. You helped out so much and for that I am thankful :).

Jen. Jen Jen Jen.
You are my sis.
I love you.
The end :p.

Heh no seriously though you're my gal and I know I havent been on as much lately but you are just awesome and I love talking to you on msn and stuff and I just think you are fabulous.

Over and out.

Okay.... I never do these things... but hey.

Renee.... because you always seem to have the right words and you never fail to give insight on a perspective I have not seen yet.

Nikki... Oh, Nikki. Plain and simple: you are my partner in crime.

MMM's... we disagree on so much,lol, but you have the warmest heart!

Dena.... because I just love you!

Dizzy.... because I love your humor. I love how passionate and free spirited you are- I wish I could be more like that a lot of times. I admire you for doing what you want to do, moving back, with the rents, studying something completely different and being passionate about it.
I also don't do these but oh well, here goes.......

BP - You compassion for animals make my heart feel good. I don't think there are many people in the world like you that really really care about your dogs.

Dizzy - Youe are fun, lively, and I enoy reading your posts. You have alot to say that I feel the same way about.

Renee - You always know what to say, how to say it, and flat out make me laugh alot.

pixiesticksandtricks - For some reason I am drawn to your posts. I feel like your a very special person that I could be a big sister to.

Sparks - You and Puck crack me up. Your both so outspoken and will defend yourselfs. It's great!

Bubbatb - You bring laughter and joy to this board. Your a doll.
Honestly there are too many people for me to name...

and there have been lots and lots of people that I love and I know I can talk to them about ANYTHING without being judged or whatever...

Its funny when I look back when I joined, I never would have thought that I would have grown so close to so many different people (old and new ;)), from so many different backgrounds, histories, and pasts...

I would have never thought that I would have so many opinions about things, and have so many things to say lol (although not all might have been pretty - see siggy for details lol )

but anyhoo, to make a long story short, Im glad that I found Chloe, because if she wasn't in my life, I would have never have found this place :)
Thanks Jules...that made my day!!!!:D
Okay.... I never do these things... but hey.

Renee.... because you always seem to have the right words and you never fail to give insight on a perspective I have not seen yet.

Nikki... Oh, Nikki. Plain and simple: you are my partner in crime.

MMM's... we disagree on so much,lol, but you have the warmest heart!

Dena.... because I just love you!

Dizzy.... because I love your humor. I love how passionate and free spirited you are- I wish I could be more like that a lot of times. I admire you for doing what you want to do, moving back, with the rents, studying something completely different and being passionate about it.
I also have sooo many but will try to list a few:

Shara....I've felt a special bond with you since the beginning, and love you so much!!!!! You've always been there for me, and have listened to my problems and concerns, always offering input with much thought, compassion, wisdom and kindness. You're my special friend!!'re my girl!!!!!! :) I love you to death!!!!!

Jules.........You're sweet, kind, funny & I'm crazy about you!!!'re such a special friend to me. I love the way you are always willing to jump in and help anyone in need. I really appreciate that quality about you so much!!!! You always go above and beyond to help others!! I love you lot's!!!!!!'re a great friend!!! You've always have a kind word to say and are always willing to listen!!

Puck.....I appreciate your help, advice and kindness when I was having such a difficult time with my son!!!!!!!!

Grammy....... you're always the voice of reason and I love that about you!!!! :) know that I'm crazy about you, and you're one of the Chaz greats!!'re lovable and fun!! I always enjoy our chats!! :)

More to come...
I think it would be easier to list who I DON'T love. LOL!

Seriously, though, Chazhound is one of my favorite forums. I love it here. Everyone contributes something different, the make up of which makes it such a fantastic place.
Thanks for starting this one, BP.

Jess... PW.... I love my two, ah, "partners in the cage." :p LOL

Cristy.... you're not on here NEARLY as much as you should, and we're working on making you as much of a perv as everyone else, but I love you all the same. :D You've been an AWESOME friend to me and I love you very much.

Renee, I love you... thank you for bringing so much clarity to my problems and helping me solve/deal with them, even if it's only in small ways.

There are so many other people on here I love.... I'm just tired right now, but I'll list more later.
Awwww thanks Dakotah and Jscrew you two made me smile.

Dakotah- She and I have just clicked. She has been there for me through all of this drama and has been there to make me laugh and smile. She has also become one of those people who help keep me sane ;) lol. We are wayyy too much alike to the point where its almost scary but I love it. I do hope we go to college together because she is a great girl and a great friend who I love very much.

Renee- She has always been there for me no matter what. Even if my choices and actions were questionable she never judged me or lectured me. I have always felt she has had my best interests at heart. I know everyone is bonded to her in a special way. But I feel like we are almost kindred spirits as corny as it sounds. I hope later in life I am half the person she is.

Dana- Love her because....Well how could you not? She is the sweetest person in the world. She is anouther one who has been there for me and listened to my problems. She is my fellow Cocker Spaniel lover and we just seem to have alot in common. Though we still need to meet up SOON! Lol.

Breeze- What can I say? My twin. She was there for me the night the most important person in my life died and she never let me go. Though we may drift apart down the road I will always remember how she saved my life more than once.

Grammy- Anouther one who everyone loves in their own way and has their own bond with. She is....amazing. She loves with all her heart and truly cares and takes the time to listen and just be there. Honestly how could you not love her?

Thats its for now. Im sure I will come back with more soon :).
Let's all sing " we are Family !! "" Thanks to those who have mentioned me .... I really don't deserve it . I'm just an ole gal who loves people and all of you here ! Through good and bad times . You all make my day and fill my life with love .
Nikki, who is always genuine, kind, and sympathetic, but who encourages me in crimes

Renee, always there, keeping an eye on everyone,fixing the troubles.

Puck- who i thought was perfectly horrible until a few things he said made me doubt-- then I explained that i thought i was wrong about him via pm, and he graciously accepted and explained himself further. We may diverge on some potlitical issues, but otherwise an all around great guy.
I'm not going to go through naming names, but I love everyone who's in chat on a regular basis. You provide me with entertainment and relief from boredom, which is priceless :) Plus you're all wonderful!!
Well. Dakotah. You know why. Your my girl. Jess because you were there when I needed you a while back. Rene simply you are the voice of reason and you dont judge. Chaz because you created this place