I also have sooo many but will try to list a few:
Shara....I've felt a special bond with you since the beginning, and love you so much!!!!! You've always been there for me, and have listened to my problems and concerns, always offering input with much thought, compassion, wisdom and kindness. You're my special friend!!
Breeze....you're my girl!!!!!!
I love you to death!!!!!
Jules.........You're sweet, kind, funny & I'm crazy about you!!!
Nik.......you're such a special friend to me. I love the way you are always willing to jump in and help anyone in need. I really appreciate that quality about you so much!!!! You always go above and beyond to help others!! I love you lot's!!!!!!
Tanya.......you're a great friend!!! You've always have a kind word to say and are always willing to listen!!
Puck.....I appreciate your help, advice and kindness when I was having such a difficult time with my son!!!!!!!!
Grammy....... you're always the voice of reason and I love that about you!!!!
Renee....you know that I'm crazy about you, and you're one of the Chaz greats!!
Zoomers.....you're lovable and fun!! I always enjoy our chats!!
More to come...