We didn't know that we should not use bolding although there is that option here. We had gotten used to using it elsewhere.
Yes, you have made that thread. Writing style can still be changed. Again, you wrote in that thread that you are typing for her, there is no rule saying you have to use "my friend..." instead of "I..." or even "we...". Using "my friend" does nothing but disconnect.
Others that have Aspergers have different kind of difficulties. My friend has difficulties with communication. "It's hard to explain why, but when she ask someone to write somewhere for her (it's not only about forums), the message cannot be written in first person." When my friend wants me to write her messages in third person or in passive, it's about her disability - not that she wants to do so. That's why we cannot change it so much.
when it comes to your training issues, it is apparent that Lotta's issues would be best solved with somebody who can meet her in person..../
/.....Going into different threads and demanding different advice for her issues isn't what this forum is about...
When s/he was using the word "issue" in that message, it seemed like that:
I don't think anybody has said Lotta is a problem dog. You have specifically said she won't do this, that and the other. It is obvious you don't have the skill set to work with Lotta, so a trainer is your best bet.../
/.....Sure, you may have read that you can/should work with more than one behaviour at a time, but it's obvious you don't have the skill set needed to do it, so try one at a time.
My friend can train Lotta by herself and she can teach more than one behavior at the time. That's why we have discussed about different kind of subjects. We have mostly tried to discuss about them. My friend has not always asked for instructions.
You are asking instructions on everything, because we don't give instructions here. Not the step by step ones you want. Especially not since every time somebody has tried, you just get ten different reasons why it absolutely won't work, instead of, you know, trying it.
Only some of your suggestions aren't suitable for Lotta. Read our comment here:
What are you working on?
...My friend had tried something what was suggested and we did tell you about it.
It was about take and drop. Actually, my friend had tried two of the things suggested
and we even linked a video about one of them. Although those two things that were suggested didn't work,
there are other things suggested about other behaviors that do work. See the link above.
I think a lot of this issue here is there isn't any room for discussion. You've asked questions and requested instructions on a number of threads, and made a number of posts because you didn't feel you got the information you wanted. In most of these threads/posts, people have offered you advice, given you suggestions, shown you videos and generally offered their points of view. When you respond 'that doesn't work for my dog', that's fine. Not every training method works for every dog. Just like every person doesn't learn the same way. However, when you get such a variety of responses from a number of people who have very successfully trained a wide variety of dogs and you still shoot them down, saying you've 'told' us already why the suggestions won't work, there isn't much more to 'discuss' and people will generally start ignoring the pleas for help.
For example, you say your dog isn't food motivated. Okay, what have you tried? Mine aren't food motivated either if the payout is a piece of kibble. Chicken? They're all in. All you've said is that Lotta 'isn't good motivated'.
My friend can use treats as a reward with other behaviors but not with take and drop. It's because Lotta is interested in toys more than treats if the behavior involves toys.
"My friend wants to add that it might be a better idea to discuss more about things that relates to my friend's disability in this thread "My friend and Aspergers", and about other things in this thread: Looking for a person to talk with"
The reason my friend suggested it was that otherwice the discussion might become incoherent. However, we don't need to discuss about things in those threads if you don't want to.
We can discuss also about other things in other threads. We can also tell and show you what kind of dog Lotta really is.