Augh, I have unintentionally conditioned Leo into thinking he gets a Dental Chew every time he comes in from the backyard.
I give him a dental chew in the morning before I leave for work, which incidentally is right after he goes potty.
Yesterday, I happened to decide to clip his nails right after he came in from outside, and rewarded that.
Today, EVERYTIME he has come in from outside, he has zoomed to where the dental chews are stored and sat expectantly for one. He already got one this morning and isn't getting another, so apparently Leo has decided he needs to keep trying.
I just let him out (thinking it was weird he needed to go again) and watched him FAKE PEE! I swear. He lifted his leg for a second, but not a single drop came out.
And, you've guessed it, he then immediately ran to where the dental chews are kept. :rofl1:
Augh, I have unintentionally conditioned Leo into thinking he gets a Dental Chew every time he comes in from the backyard.
I give him a dental chew in the morning before I leave for work, which incidentally is right after he goes potty.
Yesterday, I happened to decide to clip his nails right after he came in from outside, and rewarded that.
Today, EVERYTIME he has come in from outside, he has zoomed to where the dental chews are stored and sat expectantly for one. He already got one this morning and isn't getting another, so apparently Leo has decided he needs to keep trying.
I just let him out (thinking it was weird he needed to go again) and watched him FAKE PEE! I swear. He lifted his leg for a second, but not a single drop came out.
And, you've guessed it, he then immediately ran to where the dental chews are kept. :rofl1:
That's like Juno in the summer:Ru has to go out approximately every five minutes on warm afternoons. I get focused on whatever I'm doing and just let him out on demand until I realize how ridiculous he's being. He doesn't have to pee, he just wants to lay in the sun. He also wants to sit on my lap, which is not in the sun. Apparently the solution is to go back and forth between the favored napping spots for as long as I will let him.
Freaking Leo chewed the cap off of a tiny bottle of pure almond extract :yikes:
Thankfully, I am 99.8% sure he didn't have any, or else just the tiniest of tastes by licking the rim (tiny opening), because the bottle is still the same full as it was initially, despite the fact that I found it lying open on its side in the living room.
I even tested it by putting a dab on my finger and offering it to him, just to see if he seemed interested in it. He ran away from me. My guess is he licked the rim and was luckily disgusted by the flavor. He is also acting 100% normal, so I think we're safe.
But...REALLY DOG? Of all the things you could decide to pluck off of the shelf and carry to the livingroom (which he has never done before), you take the one thing that could definitely kill you if you consumed it?
How he managed to open it, I have no freaking clue.
In related news, I have completely reorganized my housemates food shelf for her. There will be no more baking supplies stored below head level![]()
I don't think almond extract would kill a dog?
But bad Leo anyway, naughty naughty!