The Boys Were Evaulated Today, And...

Apr 17, 2006
I had a trainer come to the house and evaluate both boys with the CGC in mind. We ran through each part of the test informally, then discussed what needed work, and what she thought would be best for each.
Grimm, much to my shock, passed 9 of the 10 parts. The only thing he failed on was reacting to another dog, and he was quite close to passing. I think with a little work, he will pass easily. I thought that he would panic during the distractions for sure, but he was bombproof.
Argon...well, he didn't try and attack or pee on the trainer, so it could have gone worse! ;)
No, he wasn't actually terrible, and he passed 8 of the 10 tests. He also failed the other dog test, which I expected. THen he decided that he was not going to walk on a loose lead, that he would much rather flail around like a convulsing octopus and throw himself into the freshly mowed lawn. Humiliating but what can you do but laugh? It didn't help that the trainer and three neighbors saw him and laughed also. Stil, they both did better then I thought they would, and it was so nice to get another opinion on them both.
She didn't think either one actually needed classes, just to have thier skills refined. I've recruited a few neighbors with dogs to help me out, and we are going to actually try for the test in about a months time.

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