What do you do when a family member constantly interferes with what you're trying to do with dog training?
Here's the story:
The Biggest Obstacle to Successful Dog Training
Here's the story:
The Biggest Obstacle to Successful Dog Training
Hmm may I ask what family member and how old you are?
Best advise I can give, again, if there is a serious problem "remove the dog", it's not worth it, and it can be easy to do. You can train the dog in your spare time to "go to a spot" like a bed in another room or crate, make it fun! And when there is a family problem, command the dog, and hopefully problem solved. This of coarse will not work in all situations, such as on family walks or outings, but maybe if you put enough work into, training the dog to "go to place", your family might also start to see that "you really have something there, I'm listening now, show me more!".
Yes, and training them something like "go to place" could very well help this behavior too! Simply reward them ONLY for being quiet while being in their spot, they'll learn pretty quick if you're persistent and good with rewards this should help the barking too.This is interesting advice and if I were going to remove the dogs to a spot, I would be doing it several times a day, at least at first. It's possible that this would work over time, given that I am persistent.
Just today the BIG offender commented that "you have to stop these dogs from barking so much." I can't. She won't listen and keeps yelling at them. Then they bark even more. It's a good opportunity to try out this advice.