Journey: I'm surprised I don't mind how physical she is and how loud she can be when she's having fun and how affectionate she is. I literally love everything about her. I know she's having the time of her life when she's being loud, I love how snuggly she is without being forceful. She's not demanding or desperate about it. I love how she watches me and likes to know where I am and be near, but again, without being rude. I like that I can wrestle with her and she likes it (although she could use a softer mouth). The only thing I don't like about her on the rare occasion she acts like this is that she deals with stress and overstimulation excitement by frantically panting and wiggle-bouncing and can't calm down; I hate frantic behaviour in dogs. Thankfully, she's only like this with a select few people and there is a reason for it, too. Not just because she's a stressy dog (she's not - she's normally the most easygoing dog I've ever known).
Ripley: I'm surprised that all of the traits I love about Journey, I don't love about Ripley. He's very affectionate, but in a desperate, can't live without you, dramatic, pushy way. I can't stand it. I'm constantly telling him to give me/people space and stop moaning and groaning and whining about everything. He's also very physical, but again, in a more demanding, in your face, very there way. He just does everything with too much intense desperation. And part of what makes it extra annoying is his size. He's a very large dog, and everything he does is that much larger and moreso than if a smaller dog were to do those same things. Something that I'm surprised I do enjoy about him though is his indifference to new people. To me that's ideal. I love my happy, overjoyed Journey, but I do prefer indifferent dogs most of the time.
Dance: I'm not sure. I'm not really surprised about the things that I like or dislike about her lol. They are what they are. I love how happy, talkative and eager and animated she is, and I hate how frantic, nervy, grouchy (with people/dogs) and reactionary she is. But, as said, I'm not surprised I like or dislike those things.