Sunnys new behaviors


mostly ignored...
Feb 22, 2005
So all of a sudden Sunny has been running up to people, rolling on his back and wiggling all around, tail going any faster he would fly. I would say it is submissive behavior, and maybe it is, but it is so WIERD. I mean, I prefer it to jumping on people, but why all of a sudden is he in need of an emergency belly rub? It is terribly cute to watch as it looks like he is going to wiggle his butt off before he gets to the person, then all of a sudden flops down, still wiggling, and making these cute snuffly happy sounds. He's totally unafraid, just ... I dunno, it's odd. Also, on another note, he has begun to have what I can only describe as an intuition about what I am going to ask of him. He comes before the words are out of my mouth, he sits before I have thought to ask him to sit for a treat or to go outside or anything. He does things I wouldn't think to have taught him, but I enjoy, like getting my attention by gently putting his paw on my lap, or going to people by name (Sunny, go get Josh), or going to a certain spot just from me pointing. He also has a "lassie" way of getting things he wants, walking back and forth between me or Tim and the item he wants off the counter, shelf or whatever. If the pacing doesn't work he grasps my sleeve or pant leg or (very gently) my arm and leads me to where he thinks I should go :rolleyes: He now obeys commands I thought he would only barely grasp in obediance class, everywhere. "Sunny, Wait" and he halts right where he is no matter what (unless we are in the house and he has something that he knows he shouldnt' have :rolleyes: ) "Sunny, Leave it!" or "No" and he skitters away from whatever it is quicker then a wink. There is definatly some refinement needed in the leash walking department due to the fact I spoil him with many off leash walks, but all in all he has grown into a wonderfully mature, sweet boy, and reminds me so much of a human child it is odd. You can just see the glint of amusement or mischief in his eyes. There is so much more intelligence there then I could have guessed at when I picked him up for the first time . Hard to believe that was 8 months ago. Gawsh...that makes him almost ten months old :eek: wow doesn't time fly. Okay, done bragging about my boy... for now :)


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
What a great dog. My border collie mix does the same. When he wants something he just sits and stares at it. He doesn't go and grab it. He waits for us to let him take it. So cute !!! What breed is Sunny? Sounds gorgeous. My dog is very submissive. He kinda lays on his back with his tail wagging. Oh, and you should see him when he greets us when we come home from school. His tail is doing 360 degree circles. His butt is going round and round. Now our pup is doing the same. Thinks she can copy him. hehe. So cute


mostly ignored...
Feb 22, 2005
He's an australian shepherd. I think he is the most handsome dog out there, but then I am a little biased aren't I? ;) His favorite time of day is when someone walks in the door and he gets to greet them. Wow, a border collie x and a german shepherd pup...kudos to you, I would go insane with TWO dogs that could outsmart me :eek: as it is, Sunny has got me firmly wrapped around his little paw so no need for munipulation here :rolleyes: lol. Your two are very cute btw.


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
Thanks. I haven't seen an Australian Shephrd before. And I'm in Australia. But then again, I've never known what they looked like. I've heard of them though. Sunny's gorgeous. Give him a tummy rub for me :) I don't know anything better than seeing your dogs as you open the door knob. They go crazy. Give you the biggest kisses. And their taills. Woof!! Round and round and round. So cute. We got our border collie mix because we just wanted a dog to love. We had never ahd a dog before. Anyway. So now we got a German Shpeherd because we need one that'll take care of us. She's learning the basics from her big brother. We had visiters yesterday. Spencer(border collie) ran and got his chew toy. Whilst Maddy(GS) started barking at them. Growling and all. Big difference between them. Your right, Sunny is VERY hansom :)


Dec 16, 2004
My my sunny has everyone's number now does'nt he? My old boss would not allow anyone to rub tummies..he said the last thing he needed was a dog on the line to flop himself down infront of the judge instead of paying attention to the field..sunny is a smart one..he's got it all figured out.


mostly ignored...
Feb 22, 2005
skyhigh said:
Thanks. I haven't seen an Australian Shephrd before. And I'm in Australia. But then again, I've never known what they looked like. I've heard of them though. Sunny's gorgeous. Give him a tummy rub for me I don't know anything better than seeing your dogs as you open the door knob. They go crazy. Give you the biggest kisses. And their taills. Woof!! Round and round and round. So cute. We got our border collie mix because we just wanted a dog to love. We had never ahd a dog before. Anyway. So now we got a German Shpeherd because we need one that'll take care of us. She's learning the basics from her big brother. We had visiters yesterday. Spencer(border collie) ran and got his chew toy. Whilst Maddy(GS) started barking at them. Growling and all. Big difference between them. Your right, Sunny is VERY hansom
Thank you so much. He's not the "right" colors for an aussie and his fur is short which is also sorta wierd, but his mama and papa were both purebreds, so I guess he's just an oddball.(okay, could've told that without the fur thing but anyway, lol) Actually the term australian shepherd is a misnomer. These guys never originated in Australia, but they helped out shepherds with australian sheep in the US and practically everywhere else BESIDES Australia. Now I think they can be found everywhere there are sheep. You're right, I love coming home to Sunny. He is the only one who doesn't complain to me first thing when I step through the doorway. About the puppy, that is TOOO cute. Having a cuteness attack...must sit down :D Sunny barks loudly at people he doesn't know, then runs up to them and rolls onto his ferocious guard dog :rolleyes:
Smkie, I am sure Sunny would not make a great bird dog, as when he chases the ducks at the park he tries to play with them as he would another dog. lol. It is actually quite funny to watch as he tries to swim after them with all his might, poor guy, I don't think he'll ever actually catch one but he sure does try! As for being a smart one, yeah, I think he is genius, but again, I tend to be a bit partial don't I? :) He does have me all figured out, I know that. He wimpered last night to be out of his crate because I was feeling very sick, fever and chills and all, so I had Tim take him out and then put him to bed. Well, Sunny decided I needed a good night kiss and hug before he could go to sleep. He just licked my forehead for a minute or two, gentle as can be, then jumped off the bed and went to his crate and laid down. I love my baby :)

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