ALMOST TIME!!!!!!!!!!
I got a call from NWAKC to confirm my coursing entries since I goofed on the dates. I asked him when we should be there, and he pretty much said "I don't know, but the earlier you come the earlier the dogs can run." So I don't know what time to be there. I doubt much is going to happen before 10am Friday, but I don't know :/
Whaaaaa? I hope they got mine, I haven't gotten a call!
... granted, I think I put the correct dates on the entries. Eeeee, now I want confirmation!
So, I was going to load the car tonight, but I'm lazy. So I'm going to watch my gecko for half an hour, then go to bed and load up in the morning. I want to get set up tomorrow without the dogs in tow to make it easier to haul crap in my tiny car. I may need two trips, even. WHY DID I BUY A SEDAN?
On a related note, I really need to get a mini van, small SUV, or station wagon. This car will never work for long distance shows, even if I do fix ALL THE THINGS. Which reminds me, I need to buy coolant in the morning, because my car's out of it. Again.
It was SNOWING today. It better warm up for the weekend, or IMMA BE PISSED. still says 70s for the weekend, so there's still hope! The coursing field will probably be a mud pit though.
SERIOUSLY??!!!?? SNOW???? *sigh*
Excuse me if I'm not dressed the way I normally would be meeting new people. Nice shoes and rain don't mix, so I'll probably be sporting crappy tennis shoes
Well, I'll be in jeans, t-shirt (probably a Doctor Who one lol), and VFFs, sooo...
Leaving my house in 4 hours.
Leaving for Wichita in 5 hours.