Soo, I have deer! :D


Remembering Casey ♥
Mar 29, 2009
Yep, I do.. Actually I have two! Keely and kacee both run thru the tall grass but keely bounds like a deer and Kacee do too!

Bounding thru the grass

Took the girls back to the strawberry farm today.. Its a daily thing now.. This time I was by myself and I was a little freaked out at times with the noises in the woods.. :o

Got a few pictures and The above vid...

First off, when we go to get kacee we always stop in her owners house for a visit. Keely might be the only yorkie that LOVES kids. She loves the 9 month old baby the most. He sometimes Pulls on her fur and she takes it and just licks him back. Shes a good girl :D


"Hey little guy, get that out of your mouth its dirty!"


On the road




Almost to the field!

on the lookout for predators.
At the feild.


Smiley doggeh

I was taking a picture of us, a sensible one. But somebody decided my fac needed cleaning. :rolleyes:


And a Blooper.. I was taking a Picture of keely and I sqaut down to get to her level and My foot was on a rock and I slipped and Fell back unto the road on the way home. I just lid there for a few minutes with two dogs on top of me and licking my face. :cool:

And They got playful on the way home.. Before I turned the cam On they were zoomin everywhere.

Play time
Loved watching Keely jump over the tall grass. Great video. Looks like they had lots of fun.
Thanks, I went back this eveing and all the grass had been cut down.. Go figure, it had been neglected for years and then when we discover it, it gets cut down.. Now its just a huge feild to play in with short grass.. tomorrow Im gonna bring a ball.
Lovely little dog. I can't imagine what it would be like to bound through grass as tall as me. Bet Keely was tuckered out! Maybe now that it is mown the running will be easier.

glad you weren't hurt when you fell! Dogs to the rescue!
what fun, and taking a ball to play in the big field will be great. My mom had a yorkie, she too loved kids, good thing mom has 10 grands, and well about 23 great-grands. Buffie was awesome with all of them. Never once snapped or growled, when it got too much for her, she'd go to mom's room and crawl under the covers on the bed, or get in her crate. She was an wonderful dog, we all miss her.
Ive grown quite fond of the breed... I didnt think Id want another one, but I think I might need another one *IF* anything were to happen to keely ..

(I say if because nothng will ever happen to her and she will be here for ever.. Please dont burst my bubble.)

I brought a ball today and keely wasnt interested.. So me and mom started playing catch and THEN she got interested.. In turned into monkey in the middle with two monkeys.. Every now and Then I'd throw It down the field for the dogs to chase it and Keely always brought it back.. And Kacee just made it gross and slobbery lol..

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