I can attest to start looking for homes NOW. I had three bottle babies started networking them as soon as I brought them home. Still took 8 weeks to place all of them, and that was with the shelter providing free vet care /spay and taking one to an adoption event for me.
People don't like dark colored dogs. It's harder than you'd think to place them in to good homes. And trust me - it was hard enough feeding, crating, and training THREE puppies once they hit 6 weeks....I can't imagine 10...you are going to be MORE than ready for them to all be gone asap unless you have unlimted finaces and time on your hands. Just weaning *three* was an extra 9 cups of food a day. 30 cups of food a day for 10. Oy vey. That makes my wallet hurt just thinking about it. (Again, no milk from mom in my instance to supplement, but still....yikes!)
Granted, my experience may have beem scewed due to them being orphans so they needed that much more time from me, but holy cow was I ever ready for them to be gone. Lol Just the sheer amount of POOP.
(Orphaned kittens are sooooo much easier.)