Selling a puppy to Hawaii


New Member
Dec 5, 2007
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Virginia, USA
Did anyone sell puppies to buyers in Hawaii? I am going to sell one of my Saluki puppies there. They have complex rules about importation of dogs and cats, but I decided to go ahead, because the buyer has exceptionally good environment for keeping a dog. I would like to learn from you how to do this.
Someone on here recently had to move to Hawaii, and deal with the importation of their dog. Wish I could remember the name; hopefully they will chime in.
If I'm not mistaken there is a 6 month quarantine.

A friend of mine opted not to sell a puppy there because of the strict laws reguarding importing.
it takes 6 months to ready a dog for import into hawaii...

you have 2 options, the first is hawaiis version of the pet passport, for this you iwll have to contact hawaiis agricultural and import departments.
its very specific sets of regulations reguardgind shots, deworming ect which takes aproximatly 6 months to have the vet do properly...
if not perfect the animal will be enetered into quarrentein even with all efforts.

the other option is the puppy enters into a 6 month quarrentein.
FoxyWench, this sounds scary. I decided to go ahead with this, because our vet talks with confidence that we can make it. I will tell you, if everything will end successfully, or not.
That sounds like to much work for me and a lot of stress on the dog.
But in the long run, if it's a good home, it could be worth it.

I would never do it. There are plenty of good homes that dont require the puppy to go through the stresses of a 6 month quarentine and what not. JMPO
screw the people in hawaii they don't deserve dogs
Um does hawaii not have diseases we have? I know transporting a dog to another COUNTRY takes forever because of rabies here....
I would just be VERY careful with it. talk to your vet, the airline, hawaii health department etc.. make sure there is NO WAY that pup ends up in quarantine. make copies of all medical papers, have a set ready to send him with etc..

thats the only way I would do it honestly but I would be very cautious about adopting a dog to people in hawaii. just because of the risk
There are no certainties. There is no way to make 100% sure any dog doesn't end up in quarantine. Microchip doesn't scan.. dog gets plopped in quarantine. Scans here fine, you checked.. no certainty something won't go wrong there. You can follow the regulations and try your best, that is all anyone can do.

I wanted to go teach skiing for AU or NZ winter. In the end I didn't because of the quarantine. It's mandatory there. By the time I'd get my kids out it would have been time to go home.
Puppies and Kittens: Due to the minimum amount of time needed to prepare a puppy or kitten to meet the requirements of the 5-Day-Or-Less program, a puppy or kitten will be about 10 months of age by the time the preparations are completed. Puppies and kittens not able to meet all of the requirements for the 5-Day-Or-Less program will be quarantined for 120 days.

Animal Quarantine Information — Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Um does hawaii not have diseases we have? I know transporting a dog to another COUNTRY takes forever because of rabies here....

Hawaii is rabies-free. Hawaii's quarantine law is designed to protect residents and pets from potentially serious health problems associated with the introduction and spread of rabies. All dogs and cats, regardless of age (puppies and kittens included) or purpose, must comply with Hawaii’s dog and cat import requirements.

Animal Quarantine Information — Hawaii Department of Agriculture
How does that work for service animals? Are they considered exempt from everything?
service dogs still need the requirments, least thats what i was told when i queried about traveling to the UK with ruby...

the pet passport regs for the UK are also accepted for hawaii and australia too so i whent ahead and got ruby her pet passport, and jaspers is in progress (as im holding off on rabies as long as possible)

its essentially rabies coverage, they dont want even the possibility introduced into a rabies free eco-systems.
How is it possible to keep a place like Hawaii rabie-free? How do they prevent people from smuggling in dogs from ships and boats? Just wondering!!