Garden musings from the last couple days.
Black bee bumble bee honey bee bee tiny bee yes I mean you. In my garden every where it sounds just like a hive. When we eat we will praise your work to heaven and beyond. Black bee bumble bee honey bee blue, green bee tiny bee yes I mean you.
Spiders spiders everywhere, making tiny webs, garden spiders, tunnel spiders, hatching and the rest. Protect my plants and grow up strong so you can do your best. In my heart you'll always be a friend and not a pest.
A black ant bit my leg today, it wasn't' very nice. I must have tasted bad to ant, he didn't bite me twice.
and a story.
Ah well, i almost feel bad now. I found a spactacular horn worm on my tomato plant at Little Mexico. When i find them at home I always take them to the bird feeder, because once a blue jay said SPAAALUNKA with joy when he found it. So into a cup it went, into my basket of cucumbers and tomatoes and to the feeder at home we went. When i got there however, I found that a racoon had pulled my feeder up into the tree and it was going to take a process to get it down, so i took said worm into the house where I promptly forgot all about him, while figuring out how to get the feeder down. Forgot all about him until this evening when i looked down under my desk and saw his 3 inch self stretched out on my computer wires. Ooopsie. So I took him out and put him on the feeder, thinking sorry fat worm, but your a fine dinner.
I came in and sat at my desk to look out the window. That was when a Daddy Cardinal knocked the worm down, and went after it with gusto. He bit it, again, and again and i am sure the worm hurt, and i thought oh no. HE's too big for the cardinal. In fact the cardinal had to stop and eat a few seeds while he studied the sorry worm, that was not dead. But after he shelled a few more seeds he gave that worm one last hard bite, and off he went into the air, worm in beak. Sorry worm, but i am happy for whatever babies will get that cow of a dinner. I have learned a lot about birds and worms this growing season, and what i have learned most, is i am really really glad i am not a worm.