Need Trainers Thoughts/Suggestions


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Are you working on obedience and the program, nothing in life is free? I would up your position of leader and let both dogs know that neither one of them gets to make the rules or decide anything between themselves. They are not in a position to do this if you are a very clear family head. (alpha) If one wants to compare this to a wolf pack, an alpha will step inbetween squabbling middle ranking wolves to prevent or break up a fight. They will not allow it. They do not do anything more than that. I would suggest preventing any argument...don't even let it get started, by physically moving them away from eachother at the first signs and giving a firm verbal command, such as "leave it." (which they should be taught anyhow for many useful applications) Then reward lavishly for their compliance. I would tend to keep them seperated in particularily high stress situations, such as feeding time, when high value toys are in the area, when you're cuddling one.

Not all dogs like all dogs and when it is this extreme, I don't think you're going to be able to change that fact. It's been 4 months and usually by this time, a new comer would have been accepted into the group if it were to be accepted at all. I'm pretty sure about that....could be wrong. I'm guessing you'll have to keep them seperated rather than expect them to get along safely. It's one of those things. I hope I'm wrong about this.

I also agree about the shock collar. It will stop the behavior quite possibly for the most part, at least when the collar is on, but it will also associate the other dog with even more of a rotten situation (shock) and make the one "hate" the other even more. Then down the road sometime, it could happen that the dog does not control it's behavior and snaps. I don't think it's reliable because you're still not dealing with whatever the underlying issue is that the dog has with the other dog. It's still there boiling under the surface.



I have 11 Manchester Terrors here in the front part of the trailer with me, and they all get along. I can't even begin to think of any useful suggestions---to tired........too much time in the forums today, rofl.

Over the years, I had a few Manchesters that I got from Mary Creamer. Her dogs had no manners and would try to kill each other over the food bowl--my dogs all ate out of the same bowl, pictured in some of the pics on my website...13 quart stainless steel.

I got my dogs' grandma Piper to give her a good home in her old age. First time she was at the bowl and another dog came over she jumped the sh!t out of it. I grabbed the fly swatter, and fly flapped the Hades out of her. Didn't hurt her, just stung heck out of her butt. I yelled NO BITE also. Result......Piper ate nicely at the bowl with all the other dogs. She would do some grumbling, but not snap.

Same thing happened when I got Jiggs...Mary's champion stud....and dad of Shark and Robin, etc. He was a real character.....when I would take the dogs out on my bigger lot, he would hide under my chair, and jump out at the dogs as they came running back toward me. I finally managed to get that out of his system.

Sometimes you just HAVE to be top dog, and paddle their little butts.

Once upon a time, Jim Mckay asked James Clarke (Top handler and top AKC judge) how come his dogs all got along without fighting. Jim Clark replied....."they get along because I EXPECT them to get along. We dog people knew exactly what he was saying, rofl. They got along because if one of them started a fight, Jim would finish it!!!!

A fly flap is better, in my viewpoint than a shock collar!
Jan 14, 2005
As of this morning we don't even carry the remote to the shock collar with us at all times. It has only been used on her maybe 5 times in 2 weeks which is great considering the # of fights that could've potentially happened (if we hadn't intervened) 4 or 5 times a day. Actual fights were occuring possibly once a day. And as of today there has only been 1 in a week and that was because Houdini snapped at the new pup and Cocoa didn't like it.. Also, Cocoa is actually running to us now when she gets that look and we say her name (nicely) and when she does we give her a treat and tell her "good job, good come" Things have improved over the last 2 weeks and I only expect them to get better as we implement some of the ideas given on this forum. They actually laid on the couch together the other night and were only maybe a foot apart (that was amazing)...

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