Plus One
It's been a while since I last shared pictures of the dogs (Or even posted at all!) here although I do still lurk. I got a new camera for christmas though and have been photographing the dogs ever since. Sorry about the quality, I'm still playing about with the camera and my editing software doesn't seem to like Flickr very much.
Diesel playing with his christmas present
Aura and her wonky ear... It never seems to sit normally.
Fudge. My best boy and definitely the best dog in this house. He's going to be 7 this year and it scares me how old that seems.
Taz, the hooligan. There's no sign of him even considering slowing down yet. Excuse the scruffiness. He was bathed the day before and I was too lazy to groom him out properly.
And Scamp the little devil who makes me want to murder him on a daily basis, then snuggles up at night because he knows he can get away with anything.
I'm too lazy for leashes. We were playing in a park today and because I don't want my dogs bothering anyone they had ample opportunities to practice their downstays when people were walking past.
For some reason people don't believe me when I tell them what a monster he is.
This photo just enhances how scruffy Taz is.
This would have been my favorite photo of the day, if Aura was looking at the camera and Scamp didn't look so worried. A loose dog was charging at us and barking which is why I had put them up there in the first place.
Aura has become quite the poser haha
A few more.
Diesel playing with his christmas present
Aura and her wonky ear... It never seems to sit normally.
Fudge. My best boy and definitely the best dog in this house. He's going to be 7 this year and it scares me how old that seems.
Taz, the hooligan. There's no sign of him even considering slowing down yet. Excuse the scruffiness. He was bathed the day before and I was too lazy to groom him out properly.
And Scamp the little devil who makes me want to murder him on a daily basis, then snuggles up at night because he knows he can get away with anything.
I'm too lazy for leashes. We were playing in a park today and because I don't want my dogs bothering anyone they had ample opportunities to practice their downstays when people were walking past.
For some reason people don't believe me when I tell them what a monster he is.
This photo just enhances how scruffy Taz is.
This would have been my favorite photo of the day, if Aura was looking at the camera and Scamp didn't look so worried. A loose dog was charging at us and barking which is why I had put them up there in the first place.
Aura has become quite the poser haha
A few more.