I'm looking for less toxic flea and tick prevention options than Advantix. I'm happy with the heartworm prevention I'm using (heartguard). I live in the Mid-Atlantic with tons of ticks and the constant worry of Lyme. I rent so do not feel sprinkling DE and spraying the property are options. In my area, I think something applied to the dog (not necessarily a spot-on) is required. I just don't know what.
I've read threads, googled, and researched product websites. The claims, opinions, and proclamations make your head spin. It seems the newer trend in thinking is topicals and feed-thrus are bad because, in order to work, they "poison" the dog's circulatory system. I would love something that repels ticks before they bite.
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What should I do?!
I've read threads, googled, and researched product websites. The claims, opinions, and proclamations make your head spin. It seems the newer trend in thinking is topicals and feed-thrus are bad because, in order to work, they "poison" the dog's circulatory system. I would love something that repels ticks before they bite.
- Seresto collar [Two concerns: my dog doesn't normally wear a collar and it's July: I don't need 8 continuous months of coverage.]
- Sentry Natural Defense topical
- Vectra 3D topical
- Activyl topical
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- Preventic collar because it only treats ticks. Do people use one product for ticks and another for fleas?
- Trifexis chewable because it's a systemic and also treats heartworm
- Comfortis chewable because it's a systemic and only treats fleas
- Revolution topical because it's a topical and also treats heartworm
What should I do?!