Leash training issues

Mar 24, 2010
Nova Scotia, Canada
So Gunnar has been perfect in all ways but one. When we take him to our local park he's perfect on the leash, he trots along beside us with no pulling in any direction. He is content to go with us, meet new people and interact with other dogs. But when we take him for his nighttime walk on our own street he refuses to move, he sits down and digs in and will not go forward no matter how much I coax him or tug. I wont pull him down the street so I've just been picking him up and walking for a bit, then trying again. He will trot up the driveway (on the way home, not the way out), but that's about as far as he gets under his own steam. I'm thinking that it must be something that I am doing, but I am having a complete mental block here...I thought that maybe he was just tired (we take him for 2 walks per day) and didn't want to walk, but he has a hard time settling for the night if we don't get him out for a little bit of an evening walk. He is only 11 weeks old...Maybe I should scrap the nighttime walk altogether until he's a bit older?

I've never had this problem before so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to rectify this? We are clicker training him, but I don't know if his association with the clicker as a marker is solid enough to be of use in this situation.


Tweleve Enthusiest
Sep 19, 2007
Do you walk him down your street during the day? My first thought is that dogs don't see as well at night and he may very well be spooked by various unidentifiable shadows. Take it slow, reinforce for any movement and walk him in the same area during day light so he can get to know the surroundings.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
I agree that dogs often view things much, much differently at night than during the day. Everything is weird when they're not use to it. I would recommend not pushing about the walk so much, but perhaps go out for a potty break at night. When he's finished, you could just play with him a little bit with his favorite game or toy and some treats. Leave your porch light on and just gradually work your way more into the shadows. If he's uncomfortable where it's more dark, go back where it's bright. Now, this all to say if he is not uncomfortable with the light on at night. If it's the night period, no matter how much light there is, (lol) you'll have to go more gradually or make whatever it is that you think is bothering him into a more mild form. You could open your door so he can still see inside the house, but play for just a sec on the front porch. In other words, associate being outside at night with a safe and pretty fun time. Then start working on the leash. Do you have a fenced yard? Or must he always be on a leash outside? If you have a fence, work on it with no leash for a while. If not, then you'll have to use a leash. But forcing him or even putting too much pressure on him to come along with you on the leash if he's frightened, won't get you anywhere. So, take it by baby steps. Soon, those baby steps will turn into big steps. (I hope) LOL.

My dogs act weird at night too. I don't take them on walks because I'm too chicken of bears, cougars and moose. But they go out to potty. If they hear the slightest noise, their hackles go up or they bark very readily....more sensitive than during the day. Well, I'm like that too....I'm always listening like mad outside at night because I live in a wilderness area and there are all kinds of wild animals around. They'd probably go for a walk if I wanted them to, but they've been around the block baby. They're like 8 and 10 yrs old. (I think...gotta check their pedigrees) Jose` just had his birthday on the 1st. Yeah, I'm one of those people who forgets her dogs' birthdays. *hangs head in shame* :dunno:

So, it's perfectly normal for your baby pooch to be a little trepidacious about the night, especially if he hasn't had time to get at least a little bit use to it. Not only that, but he's very young still. Maybe it's past his bedtime and he just doesn't have it in him to go on a scary walk at night. Little by little, introduce him to scary things, starting out with the most mild form and very gradually increasing the pressure. Once he's okay with the front porch, advance to about 6 or 10 ft from the front porch. Then as he is okay with that, go a little further into the yard when you play with him. And once he's getting brave with that, go a few steps on the street and come back. Try to come back BEFORE he sits and refuses. Catch him when he's still having fun and going along and come back home. Only work on your increments for very short sessions....like a couple of minutes or however long he's having fun. Don't push it. When he's still having fun, quit so it leaves a good taste in his mouth. Go a tad further the next time. When you're walking away from home, give him tiny tid bits of treats or whatever else he loves....frequently. When you're coming home, don't. LOL.
Aug 7, 2008
I have two dogs that did the same thing. Nighttime is scary to dogs apparently. Try walking around dusk and building up to the darker times :)


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
The Mitten State
At night your neighbors who work during the day have come home and put their dogs outside. Your puppy can hear barks and other noises that you can't. Just keep him in his range of comfort. As he gets older he'll be more willing to expand that comfort range.
Mar 24, 2010
Nova Scotia, Canada
I tried taking him for a walk down our street during my lunchtime break before his trip to the park and while there was still plenty of light. He was still unimpressed, and refused to walk. I think I'm just going to keep taking him to the park for now and then retry the walk down the street every week or so until he is comfortable with it.

I'm thinking he may not like the traffic? He's completely comfortable with other dogs, people, squirrels, etc (no barking, shying, running away, just wagging tail and calm curiosity). in the park so I'm not sure that's the problem with walking down the street. In the park there is no concrete either, it's all dirt and/or grass, so maybe he doesn't like the hard concrete under his feet...hmm...at any rate, I think I'm going to listen to him on this one, I'm sure he has a very valid reason (for a puppy) for not wanting to walk down the sidewalk, LOL


Gigi Monster & Evil Puppy
Dec 27, 2009
Southern California
I found that my new puppy was scared of cars going by. I started walking her with an older dog and that helped her to see there was nothing to be scared by. Do you have a 2nd dog you can walk too? Or a friend who could meet and walk with you. Seeing another dog walk and not be scared can help the puppy be braver.


Your puppy is just scared to go for walks during nighttime most puppies/dogs are best thing is to take your puppy late in the evening when there is still a bit of light left...

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