Puppylover, as Herschel said, Zaphod is very underweight and is eating twice what he normally should in order to gain weight and get good nutrients, post haste. Now that he's put a layer of fat on his body (albeit a very small one) I'm decreasing the amount of food he's getting, slowly. Ultimately he should be eating about 4 cups of kirkland a day, and we'll see if he maintains his weight with that much food.
Zaphod is doing VERY well on this food, I'm quite pleased. His stool isn't really firm and small, but I attribute the consistency of the stool to the fact that he's probably eating a lot more than his system can adequately compress at this point. The stool is still solid though, so as long as he's eating well and putting on weight, I'm not going to be bothered by it.
Dakota and Dash (Border Collies, 40 and 23lbs respectively) each get about 1.5 cups of food a day. Dakota is rather inactive, though on the days we do agility he gets an extra cup of food. Dash is high energy, but very small. Eve (Border Collie, probably 30lbs) is a working stockdog and my service dog. She eats about 2.5 cups of food a day, and gets an extra cup of food if she's worked all day.
Zaphod is doing VERY well on this food, I'm quite pleased. His stool isn't really firm and small, but I attribute the consistency of the stool to the fact that he's probably eating a lot more than his system can adequately compress at this point. The stool is still solid though, so as long as he's eating well and putting on weight, I'm not going to be bothered by it.
Dakota and Dash (Border Collies, 40 and 23lbs respectively) each get about 1.5 cups of food a day. Dakota is rather inactive, though on the days we do agility he gets an extra cup of food. Dash is high energy, but very small. Eve (Border Collie, probably 30lbs) is a working stockdog and my service dog. She eats about 2.5 cups of food a day, and gets an extra cup of food if she's worked all day.