Active Member
I'm having a hard time with the heat. Boris seems to sleep all day (except a couple times a day roughhousing with Tips) and seems bored out of his mind, but it's so hot outside I don't want to risk a heatstroke, so they don't go out much and we have pretty much banned walks. Tips will still run around in the yard, but I often keep him inside because I don't quite trust him to stop when he's getting hot (that dog is wonderful about entertaining himself). That, and the backyard is a jungle anyway (stupid weeds grow up faster that my husband seems to cut them).
Am I just paranoid? Even when we wake up at 8am it seems that it's too hot, and the heat doesn't seem to lift before 10pm or something. It's been weeks now. At least we have AC inside, but the house isn't big enough to really play much.
What do you do with your dogs when it's hot?
Am I just paranoid? Even when we wake up at 8am it seems that it's too hot, and the heat doesn't seem to lift before 10pm or something. It's been weeks now. At least we have AC inside, but the house isn't big enough to really play much.
What do you do with your dogs when it's hot?