How can I help Hannah get used to sleeping on her tummy?


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
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Lancaster, PA
Now... before anyone gets up in arms about putting a baby on her tummy lol... I do not put her down to sleep on her tummy. BUT she has now learned to roll over on her own. The funny thing is... she ONLY rolls over in her crib. No matter how long I have her laying on the floor she will NOT roll over. She is enjoying tummy play time much more these days but HATES when she rolls over during sleep time. If she hates it why does she do it? lol

Anyway... everytime she rolls over in her crib she screams her head off. Last night she almost gave us a heart attack. At 4:30 am she just started wailing out of the blue. it even woke Brian up and NOTHING wakes him up lol. So I jumped out of bed to see what could possibly be upsetting her so much and sure enough she was on her tummy and hating it. She woke me up a few times last night because she ended up on her tummy. I can only assume she is doing this in her sleep since she is so restless and moves around so much and perhaps that is why it scares her. I don't know

I tried one time just laying her down on her tummy in her crib to see how she would react and she screamed lol.

SO... is there anything I can do to help her get used to sleeping on her tummy when she rolls herself over in the night? Anything I can do to stop the screaming lol
I dunno all I know is Bev hates being on her tummy period unless she on my chest other then that she doesnt want to be on her tummy.

How did you get Hannah to like being on her tummy period?
You can try rolling up some towels to make supports so she can't roll on her tummy, and prop her on her side to see if that helps. I'm sure she'll start rolling both ways soon then not have that problem.... good luck though!

You can try rolling up some towels to make supports so she can't roll on her tummy, and prop her on her side to see if that helps. I'm sure she'll start rolling both ways soon then not have that problem.... good luck though!


She already does roll both ways lol. she's been rolling from her tummy to her back since she was 6 weeks old. I don't know why she won't do it when she rolls onto her tummy in her crib though because she does it all the time during tummy play time lol. She often rolls onto her side and that's how she will fall asleep but throughout the night when she is squirming she somehow ends up on her tummy and I think it scares her because I think she is asleep when it happens lol

I tried rolling up blankets but she is so squirmy that they don't stay in place. LOL I have come in to find her turned a full 180 in her crib... head where her feet used to be lol.

Breeze, hannah JUST started to enjoy tummy time more. She hated it up until just a couple weeks ago. and even now the only thing that will keep her happy is if she can look up at the TV lol or if I have a toy that lights up and makes noise then she is happy on her tummy for up to ten minutes at a time. But then she gets grumpy and we need a break from tummy time. lol apparently lots of babies hate tummy time.
Ok so shes not the only one LOL.

OH no... in fact i want to meet these babies that love tummy time lol. Hannah absolutely hated it... the only time she liked being on her tummy was if she was laying on me or if Brian had her laying on his arm tummy down and flying her around the room lol.
My nephew, Trey, doesn't like tummy time either. He will be happy for just a couple minutes before thats enough.
Madison also hates tummy time, but slowly starting to get used to the idea.

At walmart they have a little contraption sold in the baby section that has supports on two sides. The supports go on both sides of the baby and the baby cant push them away because they are connected in the middle. It keeps them from rolling over.

I am horrible at explaining it, but maybe I can find a link...
its so cool you all have each other with babies around the same age...mine are all too old i do not remember any of that at all
^^^ agree !!! All mine slept on their tummy's .... when flipped , flip again and back to bed ! Maybe that's why I sleep so late now !!! Ollie sleeps through the night !
for those who say their babies don't like tummy time--it take time for babies to learn it's ok since now they are sleeping on their backs. Do not allow them to spend all their time on their backs or in their little seats and swings. pleeeeeease get down next to them (lay down on the floor or on the bed with them)and play/entertain them that way--it is so vital to development that they spend time on their belly. You may not know the impact it has until years later--but as a developmental therapist I sure can tell which child didn't spend enough time on their belly. It creates all sorts of issues later on (2-3 years old)--trust me on this!! And the pediatrician's will not pick up on it now--again, I say, trust me on this.
Ok--I am done with my public service announcement!!
I know tummy time is important and she gets her tummy time but I can't force her to like it lol

anyway her tummy time during the day isn't helping her with her nighttime tummy issues.

reggin I do have one of those but she usually wiggles out of it lol but I will try it again.
for those who say their babies don't like tummy time--it take time for babies to learn it's ok since now they are sleeping on their backs. Do not allow them to spend all their time on their backs or in their little seats and swings. pleeeeeease get down next to them (lay down on the floor or on the bed with them)and play/entertain them that way--it is so vital to development that they spend time on their belly. You may not know the impact it has until years later--but as a developmental therapist I sure can tell which child didn't spend enough time on their belly. It creates all sorts of issues later on (2-3 years old)--trust me on this!! And the pediatrician's will not pick up on it now--again, I say, trust me on this.
Ok--I am done with my public service announcement!!

When I put Trey on his tummy I always get down with him and make sure he has toys in front of him and talk to him and try to entertain him, but he still won't stand it for more than a couple minutes before getting mad.

Just wondering what kind of issues it might create?
Aurelia is the odd one out. She loves being on her tummy. She started rolling over really early though, long before she could hold her head up for any length of time. That freaked us out so we always super swaddled her so that she absolutely could not break free and roll while sleeping. That worked until her neck got strong enough that we didn't have to worry about it. Does Hannah like being swaddled or would that freak her out?

My old boss' baby hated being on her tummy. When I first started watching her she was 6 months old and couldn't hold her head up at all. Finally, we discovered that if we put her on her tummy on a changing pad with a little pillow as a chin rest, and then put a mirror next to her, she would stop screeching and try to play with her reflection instead. After a few weeks of that her neck was much stronger.

My chiropractor keeps telling me that as soon as she starts walking, to knock her down and make her crawl. The longer the better he says. He has 13 children, lol.
Hey everyone, This is just my opinion. When my daughter was little I only ever put her to sleep on her tummy. She will be 18 this month.. Ugh. Anyway, She was such an active baby with great muscle strength. She walked at 9.5 months and had great cordination.
My boys are much younger and by that time it was strictly sleeping on backs... they had less muscle strength and crawled and walked at a later age. They still sleep on their backs to this day at 5 and 8, While my daughter prefers sleeping on her stomach.
I think for the most part whatever becomes a habit is what feels most comfortable. I know that doesnt' help when in the middle of the night a baby screams when she gets flipped over, but "this too shall pass"......

When your babies get truly comfortable on their tummies... It really won't be a problem. So just keep up the tummy time during waking hours.... and if it were me, I would be so brave to try it during a short nap during the day... say if she fell asleep in your arms, to carry her to her bed and lay her tummy down. If she falters, maybe pat her back for a little while.

Oh and even though my daughter was stronger as an infant, the boys have caught up and She actually runs from them... Lol.

Best of Luck,
Aaron slept like a puppy in play bow..his legs tucked under him and his hinny in the air. Bet he would be maddd at me if he knew i just typed that!:D
I have tried laying her down on her tummy after she falls asleep in my arms. The second she is in the crib she starts squealing... not just crying but this awful squealing cry that she rarely does.

I think it's just something that is going to take time I suppose.

Also ... as far as swaddling.. she liked it when she was a newborn but always had to have one arm up out of the blanket and near her face... now I A) don't have a big enough blanket to swaddle her anymore lol and B) she likes to sleep with her arms spread eagle lol.
I know tummy time is important and she gets her tummy time but I can't force her to like it lol

anyway her tummy time during the day isn't helping her with her nighttime tummy issues.

reggin I do have one of those but she usually wiggles out of it lol but I will try it again.

She must be a little houdini. :lol-sign:
The other thing you could try is laying down with her for a nap. Aurelia sleeps more soundly when I'm next to her. Sometimes we would lay her on her stomach to sleep, and Robert or I would lay down next to her and relax for an hour or two. That way one of us got to rest, and she got a good nap without us worrying about her suffocating. Would she maybe fall asleep like that if you nursed her to sleep in the bed?

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