HI am New


New Member
May 3, 2007
Hi I have two puppies , the lab puppy is two and a half months old brought him home a week back and i already have an one year old doberman they both get along so well . the names are stephie and noddy , am posting a pictures of both my dogs . the pictures arent good because i took them with a mobile camera . and English is not my first language so please do bare with my mistakes . DO tell me how the dogs look this mobile camera doesnt do justice to them ........ cheers


Hi and welcome to Chazhound! Your dogs are very nice looking. I'm glad you joined and hope you enjoy the forum :D
Welcome to the forum! You have your work cut out for you with those two adorable puppies. :) Congratulations and again, welcome!
is it just me who thinks my lab puppy is a bit huge for two and half months ?:confused: and how is my dobie people say she looks very thin .. your c0omments are welcme
he does look a little big for two and a half months but all dogs are different. For the dobe I'd need a standing side view. From those pictures though, he looks perfect to me.
Hi and welcome to Chaz! Your dogs are adorable :)
Don't worry about your English, you're doing well!

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