Happy Gotcha day Serenity, two years old!


New Member
May 29, 2012
Australia, QLD
It’s Serenity’s 2nd Birthday today (well, it will be by the time most people read this, decided to post it a bit earlier)

Two years ago I found a bunch of Kelpie x pups on line, I was depressed and wanted another dog. I missed my old SBT, I hated having one dog. I honestly didn’t want one and I really do not understand what made me buy her but a part of me was driven to make her mine. I didn’t want a Kelpie, I didn’t want another black dog. I wanted a SBT but I was determined she’d become mine, I was willing to travel 4 hours to pick her up by a train, I was about to back out and she wasn’t going to be mine but then the ‘breeder’ told me her mum was coming down my way and I said I’d love to take Serenity still. I asked for a female, the quite one, the one that was most attached to her people, the one that had the shortest coat. They showed me images of three females. I saw my dog. Her name instantly screamed in my head, I truly didn’t want to name her Serenity. The funny thing was, Serenity was the one I had described above as what I wanted, I didn’t know till I picked her.

She was meant to be, everything fell in to place. Part of me regrets going behind mums back and bringing her home but I am glad she’s in my life, though at times dealing with her issues is hard. I firmly believe ‘You get the dog you need, not the dog you want’ In a way, I do want a dog like her, I just wish she was friendlier and with less issues.

My heart belongs to this little mutt. I favor her over Sunny, she means so much to me, I have never cared about a dog so deeply, words cannot express how I truly feel about her. I believe she’s that ‘heart dog’ possibly. I love watching her learn, grow, achieve, play and just be herself. I wont lie, I strongly considered putting her down and I was going to but I did change my mind, she has caused my heart break and I sometimes hate dealing with her issues but I try and think positively.

Serenity is my third dog and I should have NOT jumped in and gotten her because I didn’t know enough about dogs but in these past two years, she has taught me so so so much and I’m learning more and more everyday. I am determined NOT to fail her. We have a bright future together, we will work together as a team, we’ll learn together and lean on each ether for support. I look forward to getting out in to the dog world with her more when I can drive, I hope to learn how to work with her better and I hope she enjoys herding! Its more then that as well, she has changed my life for the better. I have improved myself as a person because of her, she’s helped me mature, see things more clearly, become more determined, I’ve been getting fit and healthy so I can exercise her properly and give her more, I’ve been learning what I can do teach her right and she’s slowly has made me become a more responsible owner. I have made mistakes and slipped up with Serenity but now I have been super responsible with her.

I truly hope she’s here for many years to come, she’s claimed my heart and she’s changed my life for the better. It’s been a interesting two years and I can’t wait to see how we grow together in the next few years.

Happy Gotcha day girl, I’m glad you’re in my life.

I think she’s slowly living up to her name.

First day home;



New Member
May 29, 2012
Australia, QLD
and her now;

The saddest thing about owning her is knowing she was able to be off leash around dogs and people when she was under a year and a half.. and knowing now, she'd be a danger in that situation. It is hard knowing I am the reason she got worse but a close friend said a few words to me and I'm happy I'm learning. Serenity did one thing I'd never think she'd do, be-friend a 13yo, this kid can do everything that would get anyone else bitten, that was my proudest moment to see how happy and comfortable she is with this kid.

We have a long road ahead.. and I think I'm slowly improving along that road.

NOTE: She no longer wears the e-collar and she is never off leash now, only on a long lead. These are photos from a few months back except for this one;


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