Going to lose my sanity


New Member
May 21, 2008
My Dena is 7months Standard Schanuzer bought from breeder at 8 weeks. She is the HARDEST dog to train I have ever had (she is the 5th dog we have owned- the others-who died of old age or cancer(1) were a Black&Tan coonhound/shepherd Mix m, a Finnish Spitz fem, an Australian Cattle Dog m and a Corgi m). Dena is driving me crazy. Since we spent #2000 on her we went to puppy class at the training place the other schnauzer owners in this county use. In class she was fine. She would come when her name was called and wait for her treat. She will do fine during a trianing excercise as long as I have the right food incentive. All other times she is I don't know what. She may or may not come when I call her, no matter what food I have, unless she WANTS to. Lately she has taken to running to the door instead of all over the yard, which is an improvment but still not RIGHT. I am frantic. Not just because I need obedience, but for her safety sake, the ditz. I took her out on a leash for months, but my husband refused to, assuming that because he is male she will obey. That, however, does not work unless she wants it to as well, but I guess he believes in his illusions. She has learned to do some things, or I would be a raving lunatic with a pitchfork! She always sits for food or treats, lovely. She will wait for permission before leaving her crate. (That took a while too) She will do "down" upon command during training. I am the main food and training and care provider, I am the Mom. She & the Cattle dog (poor fellow) now both sit at the gate at bed time when it is time to go to the bedroom for Night and bedtime cookie usually without being told verbally now. This is all great stuff. But it is not good enough if she will not come when called. Not only for my sanity (which I am losing) but to keep her safe. I don't know what else to do. I am following all the training procedures of rewarding her and praising her for required behavior, but she still will not come unless she wants to!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2007
Central Texas
First of all, make sure that while you're training her she doesn't see the treats. Don't work with treats in your hands; if you use treat lures fade the lure as quickly as possible; put treats in your pocket or in a treat bag behind your back so that she never knows when you have treats and when you don't. Do training sessions in the house with low distractions with the treats out of sight so that she starts to get the idea.

Next, NEVER NEVER call her with your recall cue unless you are positive she will come to you. At this point, she should be very close to you, with her attention on you, before you try a recall. As she gets better at it (we're talking, months of practice here), you can start adding distance and start calling her when her attention is elsewhere. But be very careful - every time you use the recall cue and she doesn't come, you're teaching her that that word means nothing! If you want to start practicing distance, you can get a long line leash that will allow her to go a distance away, but allow you to "reel" her back in if she doesn't come when you call her, basically forcing her to come.

Also, if you're using a clicker (suggested, of course), for the recall, click when she turns around and STARTS coming toward you. Many trainers wait until the behavior is finished to click, and I think that's fine if your dog is pretty good at it anyway and you're just working on getting a sit or a "finish" at the end, but if you just want to get the dog to you, click at the very beginning. You're clicking her intention to come to you. Of course make sure she gets to you and gets her treat.... if she gets distracted you will have to use a lot of encouragement and praise.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2007
Central Texas
Have you been to puppy school ??
Yes, she did.

beloved1 said:
we went to puppy class at the training place the other schnauzer owners in this county use. In class she was fine. She would come when her name was called and wait for her treat. She will do fine during a trianing excercise as long as I have the right food incentive. All other times she is I don't know what.


New Member
May 21, 2008
Thanks Lizzy, I will amend my practices at once. Before I lose all my hair. It just scares me silly that she won't come. I think that's MORE important than sitting. Thanks.

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