Does your dog sleep on their back?


New Member
Jun 27, 2022
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California, United States
I have always heard that if you see a dog sleeping on their back, it is an indication that the dog is very mentally calm and content. It's a positive thing.

Recently, my husband said he heard something to the contrary on the news, but I still believe it's a good sign and that your dog is pretty happy with its life. At least that's what I think, and I think that sounds reasonable.

My girl, "Oggi" (from San Diego Goldendoodles) will sleep on her back every day in her bed multiple times throughout the night. It's the cutest thing!

Does anyone else have a dog that likes to sleep on its back?
A dog may sleep on their back with their legs in the air to keep cool. This way, cold air can reach their belly. This position can also mean that they're comfortable in their bed and fully trust you.
I have always heard that if you see a dog sleeping on their back, it is an indication that the dog is very mentally calm and content. It's a positive thing.

Recently, my husband said he heard something to the contrary on the news, but I still believe it's a good sign and that your dog is pretty happy with its life. At least that's what I think, and I think that sounds reasonable.

My girl, "Oggi" (from San Diego Goldendoodles) will sleep on her back every day in her bed multiple times throughout the night. It's the cutest thing!

Does anyone else have a dog that likes to sleep on its back?
I wonder about this sometimes. Willow never sleeps on her back. NEVER. Only on her side or tummy. No idea what this means, she seems pretty content to me when she's sleeping....

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