Hazel is still a very good puppy! She turns 6 months old this week. She's still a ton of fun to work with, and has a ton of focus. Still perfect off leash. Still *loves* fetch and tug and is great about bringing toys back and outing when asked. We are taking private agility lessons, mostly for Watson's sake, but I've split the time between them. She has been so quick to figure things out and is such a perfect little puppy. In obedience class last week she did a formal recall from about 20ft, which I've never trained her to do. We've worked a bit on stays of course, and recalls, but I've never put her in a stay and walked away with my back to her, turned, waited, and called. Very impressed. That sort of thing took forever with Watson, and lots of baby steps, but she just figures things out and makes huge leaps and it's so fun to watch.
She is starting to turn into a bit of a teenager though - getting a little too aroused at other dogs and people mostly. We visited a friend this weekend and Hazel was really snarky with her female JRT. It only happened when the dogs were over stimulated, and over stimulated JRTs sound like rabid raccoons. She also hasn't met a lot of little dogs and seems much better around larger dogs (which is the opposite of Watson). Could also be a bitch thing.
She came with us to a beer festival on Saturday and was so good. She was exhausted, which meant sweet calm puppy rather than jumping and flailing puppy. Haha. She charmed a couple little kids - she is so so good with kids. Watson likes kids well enough, but gets over stimulated (and tries to jump on them) or weirded out easily. Hazel just stands there calmly and lets them hold her face. Haha.
I didn't intend to show her until November but I got talked into a show in a couple weeks. Should be interesting! I've done basically zero training, though she gaits nicely already. I think I'll have to walk her into a stack the best I can because she gets fussy when I start moving her feet around.
I still feel like I'm not totally bonded with her, if that makes sense. She is such a cool puppy, and I love her, but she kind of doesn't have a personality yet. lol That sounds mean, but her default is "Omg! I'm so happy! Are you happy! Let's all be happy and run around!" Which is cool, but there isn't a lot of emotional depth going on. She's become a bit more cuddly lately though which is helping.