Chaz Puppies of 2015

Love all the new puppies and the growing puppies!

Pox is 10 months old makes me happy & sad all at the same time.

I still just adore this dog.

We went to a disc competition today and there was of course just a ton of stuff there for him to experience, but he didn't bat an eye at anything. Crated in the car for a couple hours, which is new for him but he was just fine with it. Lots of people and other dogs, he loves everyone he meets and was appropriate with the other dogs. He got to roll around on the ground with some kids which he loved, and he got to chase some rollers that they threw for him.

He even technically participated in the competition, I signed him up for toss & catch and just did rollers... he was so amazing! So focused on what we were doing (with as social as he is I kind of thought he might just go wander over to the crowd), chased after his discs and was perfect about getting them and bringing them right back!

He had an excellent time and was so awesome, I could not have asked for anything more from him!

16 weeks old in a few days! :eek: And tomorrow when I go to the pet store he is getting a harness upgrade, he has officially outgrown his current one that he's been wearing since he was 7 weeks old. Kind of a sad moment lol.

IMG_3487 by cinSun9, on Flickr

By the end of the night, he and Juno were completely exhausted and found a chair to relax in
20150829_235152 by cinSun9, on Flickr
Finally did the paperwork and adopted Ollie. Then Lincoln bit him in the face last night (he bit his owchy ear) and then he got his collar stuck in his mouth at work today. SERIOUSLY dog... at least we got 30 day insurance for him.

Housebreaking is going... alright. He's holding it longer, and the few accidents have been right in front of the door to go to their yard. Still coming with me to work, haven't the heart to leave him in his crate all day while I'm at work yet. Knows sit, and shake, he's rarely on a leash as he follows right beside me, I need to get a bigger collar for him that's not going to gag him and won't break his coat.
So my "puppy" is gigantic.


He's grown even more since I took that picture. He's now 23.5", a solid 2" taller than Rowan.

Stitch is a tall spindly noodle and I love him.
I haven't posted anything recently about Addie. She is I think 9 months old now, going on 10. She got spayed at the end of July and that was really hard. She took it kind of rough, and I thought for sure we were going to have to take her back in but she bounced back about 2 days later.

I think she is still sitting at 12-13", and still around 9 or 10 pounds (at most). I am looking forward to her adult coat coming in - her shaved belly and leg are taking their sweet time growing back!

She is in session 3 of scent work, and then graduates onto the team. There is a trial coming up at the end of the year and we are going to get her tested for birch so she can compete (definitely tested, not sure on the compete...depends on the team and how she does out in the field). Her beginner obedience class starts in September, foundation agility starts in November. Not sure on the advanced obedience yet. I definitely plan on getting her CGC and she needs both in order to test.

My scent work class mates are awesome, and I am having so much fun with her :)


Addie is adorable! I love her face. So expressive. Sorry to hear her spay didn't go quite as planned. :-( Glad she's doing well now, though. Scary stuff.
I can't believe I've had Everest for a month already. Or that she's four months old. Puppies grow too quickly.

She is all kinds of awesome, though. So fun and sweet and brilliant and eager. I love her. Right now she's going through a bit of an insecure phase and is doing that whispery woof thing at potentially scary things, but I am sure she'll get over it. Prior to three days ago she was the most confident, bold, sure of herself puppy I've ever had. Silly puppies.

She's way different from Journey. Much more energetic, less cuddly, more serious and plotting, much more mischevious but equally as wonderful just in different ways. I'm so glad that she is the puppy I ended up with in this litter. :-)


Not enough puppy talk in this thread! Share more, folks :D

Sawyer is growing way too fast but man he's so wonderful. I have to constantly remind myself that he's only 4 months old because he's just so good and easy that it doesn't feel like he's still a baby puppy.

I'm so pleased with how social and happy-go-lucky he is, how focused on me he is and how much he wants to work with me, his toy drive just keeps building and he's just so much fun to train.

Still the best impulsive decision ever lol.

IMG_4881 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_4873 by cinSun9, on Flickr
I feel like that is what I went through with baby Payton. such a good puppy.


He is so adorable, I just love his little face.

I am waiting... breeding is supposed to happen in October so we're getting close. I am guessing by Halloween I will know if it took but will have to wait longer to obviously know if the right one for me is in the litter... :wall: ughhh waiting.
Hazel is still a very good puppy! She turns 6 months old this week. She's still a ton of fun to work with, and has a ton of focus. Still perfect off leash. Still *loves* fetch and tug and is great about bringing toys back and outing when asked. We are taking private agility lessons, mostly for Watson's sake, but I've split the time between them. She has been so quick to figure things out and is such a perfect little puppy. In obedience class last week she did a formal recall from about 20ft, which I've never trained her to do. We've worked a bit on stays of course, and recalls, but I've never put her in a stay and walked away with my back to her, turned, waited, and called. Very impressed. That sort of thing took forever with Watson, and lots of baby steps, but she just figures things out and makes huge leaps and it's so fun to watch.

She is starting to turn into a bit of a teenager though - getting a little too aroused at other dogs and people mostly. We visited a friend this weekend and Hazel was really snarky with her female JRT. It only happened when the dogs were over stimulated, and over stimulated JRTs sound like rabid raccoons. She also hasn't met a lot of little dogs and seems much better around larger dogs (which is the opposite of Watson). Could also be a bitch thing.

She came with us to a beer festival on Saturday and was so good. She was exhausted, which meant sweet calm puppy rather than jumping and flailing puppy. Haha. She charmed a couple little kids - she is so so good with kids. Watson likes kids well enough, but gets over stimulated (and tries to jump on them) or weirded out easily. Hazel just stands there calmly and lets them hold her face. Haha.

I didn't intend to show her until November but I got talked into a show in a couple weeks. Should be interesting! I've done basically zero training, though she gaits nicely already. I think I'll have to walk her into a stack the best I can because she gets fussy when I start moving her feet around.

I still feel like I'm not totally bonded with her, if that makes sense. She is such a cool puppy, and I love her, but she kind of doesn't have a personality yet. lol That sounds mean, but her default is "Omg! I'm so happy! Are you happy! Let's all be happy and run around!" Which is cool, but there isn't a lot of emotional depth going on. She's become a bit more cuddly lately though which is helping.

Our French Brittany girl Scout was leased by a registered breeder to have an AI litter with imported semen. My husband wanted to keep a boy pup. She had just the two girls in July, and the breeder was happy with their girl pup. Four dogs in an absolute limit for us and we had 3 already. Despite the Brittanys being his dogs and the collies being mine, by the time she was 6 weeks old, I fell in love with her and I was prepared to both cry and beg to keep this girl :) Lucky my husband felt the same about her. She is a gorgeous pup with a sweet and funny personality.

Her name is Camo and she is 10 weeks old today. She looks almost identical to her Mum in terms of colour and markings but she is a lot more laid back. She will be a hunting dog, and field trials if that suits. I will likely do Rally with her just because I do it with all my dogs (laid back fun sport) but not agility.

Just some Chef from the other day. He's coming along nicely with his foundations training despite me not having him full time yet. Can't wait for him to move in! So close!



And with "Uncle Fitz" the JRT.


He's about 12" tall at the shoulder right now at 5 months and I'm not sure how much he weighs. He's getting fast and he's a really really good puppy, I'm absolutely in love! :)
Addie is now 10 months old, 13" (ish), and was 10.4lbs at the vet last week. Her adult coat is coming in nicely - if they hadn't shaved her belly and her arm for her spay, it would look even better. That is taking a while to come back. She loves having her rough back brushed so she has a fluffy mane and acts disappointed if I don't. She will usually rest her head on my abdomen after I get through with her body.

She finished her Scent Work classes in fashion. 10 seconds for interior container search, 15 seconds for interior room search, had she given me a better alert, it would have been 15 seconds on the exterior car search. She got side tracked on the exterior container search and had to leave and come back but she got that one quick, too. She impressed my trainer. We are now on a team and can get tested for Birch so we can trial.

She starts basic obedience tomorrow and I am hoping that it will go well. She is so full of vim and vigor and doesn't always have time to listen. She is still my "pop up" dog when walked or when she wants attention. It has been hard to train away since she doesn't actually touch you when she does it. She has started herding feet again though we had that stopped a while ago. She is still a gator mouth (thanks to DH) but never puts pressure on the hand. If she does she looks guilty. She just likes to do it. She seems to behind in her stages. I would say she is in her teenager phase, though she will mostly listen. Mostly.

She has started to lay next to me on my recliner at night when we watch t.v. and in the middle of the night we sometimes catch her between us on the sheet so that her head is level with ours. She hates when DH and I are in separate rooms during the day. She is completely housebroken (and has been for months), though she did eat part of the living room carpet (thank goodness it is cooling off...we started doing LONG walks).

And now, for a ginormous pic because I can't figure out how to resize....
Pupdates <3

My puppy will be 1 year old in 2.5 weeks!

I am hopelessly in love with him.

He is a terrible house pet and can be incredibly frustrating but he just loves training, agility and frisbee SOOO MUCH. I've been doing lessons at my house with some friends and setting up some difficult sequences that Pox can ace the first time through. He just gets it and is so happy, fast and willing to do, do, do.

Still having a hard time with his reactiveness on leashed neighborhood walks. He's fine at trials & classes but loses his little mind out in town. It's frustrating and has put me in tears most days.

He's such a sweet boy though and makes me laugh constantly. I love him more and more each day. He's something special :)

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