Becoming a No-Kill shelter!!!


Happy Meal. Yum.
Feb 26, 2005
:) Ok guess what!? I just got the "paws and effect" paper, which is the paper for the Humane Society that I volunteer for and it's full of great news!!
The first and best thing is the kill-shelter is soon to become a no-kill shelter!!! YEAHHH!! I am soo happy bout that!!
Also they are starting two new programs. The "take a dog walking" program, which is taking the dogs for a nice walk around the block and the "play dat" program, which is taking the dogs to the outside area and playing with them. I can't do either of them cause I don't have the right training, but it will make the dogs so much more happier and give them a little bit of an outlet for all their energy. That way they won't be cooped up all day, at least they will have a short break.
Also they are now allowing some of the greeters (the people who greet people who walk into the Humane Society) to bring their dogs, But only the dogs that go through a good citizens like test and pass. I think thats a great idea!! It will make the place look more inviting.
Also they are going to make the bathing room bigger and giving it a fresh coat of paint!! Instead of just two baths they are going to have three!! And getting new drying tables that move up and down easyer and putting in a small "waiting" pen. That way the dogs can have a bit of a relaxing time in the pen while the other dogs get finished. Also one of the volunteers can play with it and relax it a bit before putting it in it's kennel or giving it a bath.
They are also painting the kennels and putting stencils of dogs and things of that nature so it looks more colorful and happy.

So there are a lot of new things for this place!! And it all makes me sooo happy!!

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