I don't think Gimmick ever really hit an awkward stage. Glitch is getting ready to hit a huge one. But nothing compares to the horror of Gambit's teenage stagehttp://www.chazhound.com/forums/images/icons/icon2.gif
Finn when I adopted him at 7 months. I don't realize how much more adult looking he's gotten until I start looking at old pictures. He definitely had a more puppy face and body back then.
Awkward stages? Do puppies go through those? Gusto certainly didn't. There was never a time where his tail was longer than his body, his head made up 90% of his body weight, his nose didn't know what color to be, and his ears couldn't decide what they were going to do.
I really was hoping for the ears to stay up at one point. Thankfully, they didn't.