Any weight pullers out there?


Walks into Mordor
Aug 12, 2005
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I'm being curious again. :D

Does anybody do weight pull? I did it with my rottweiler/husky mix, and he lived for it. He'd go nuts whenever I brought out his harness. There were no clubs in my area, so it was just a backyard activity to give him exercise that he just didn't get with walking. I don't do it with Zeus because he doesn't have the build for it. But I've always wanted to get another dog I could do that with, and plan to do so in the future.

Anybody else do it, or know of any clubs or groups?
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I've toyed with the idea of doing it with my lead dog Ronin because he's such an intense puller with so much drive in him but I don't know if I want to get involved in another sport with him...Sledding I think is good for now.
I do it with my Alaskan Malamute Pakak just to help build up his muscle mass a bit more and he loves pulling. He is'nt yet a year old and is pulling with ease almost over his own weight. Im not part of a club or group though because im not seriouse about it it just anouther thing for Pakak to do. He does enjoy it though.
I didnt do it with Wendy... no need!I just tale her for regular walks and throw her ball in the backyad and she is as healthy and strong as need be!
If Pixie wasent so old I would try it. Maybe in a few years when I get my pit puppy.