AKC Agility People: Breakaway Tires


& the Muttly Crew
Dec 14, 2009
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Letter came down from AKC (can't link it atm, sorry):

Breakaway tires are legal for AKC agility starting March 1. They are optional and will not be scored if the tire "breaks" as a dog passes through.

Starting September 4, breakaway tires will be mandatory for all AKC agility trials. At this time and on forward breaking the tire will be scored as a fault (F).

Personal addition: Yay!
They've had those in CPE for awhile, I'm glad AKC is getting up to par and putting them in as well.
They've had those in CPE for awhile, I'm glad AKC is getting up to par and putting them in as well.

Yeah AKC tends to be all or nothing. Hence waiting to institute the breakaway tire until they are ready to go to only breakaway tires (with a short grace period). Down side is the wait for them to institute the change in the first place...up side is that equipment is far more standardized from trial to trial relative to CPE with its variable tire designs, variable length dog walks, variable height a-frame, optional slats on DW and teeter, etc. which can be dangerous for fast dogs used to one and suddenly presented with another.

Pick your poison.

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