Agility boxers



how are you training the weave poles?

There are many great methods, including channel weaves.

I would certainly NOT be correcting your dog at this stage of training, just incase you are. You really want the dog to think everything about dog agility is fun, including the weave poles.

I'd love to help, but need to know how you are trainign now to help further.


The channel weaves are what I plan on using to train my new Pointer with!

They are actually VERY easy to make.

We are simply buying some PVC, cutting them at appropriate lengths, and then buying driveway steaks. You put the driveway steaks in the ground, and the pulls over top! And, "BAM!", you've got yourself some weave poles! Lol.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
If the weave poles come out, you can remove a couple after the first. Or set some individual stakes out. Make a large space between each. Lure your dog through (or past) just one and reward. Stop, go around and do that one again. Anyhow, you want the dog to lead off with the left shoulder every time so it's also a good way to get that going. (in case you didn't already do that) You can also use a clicker (if your dog has been primed and understands a clicker) Whenever she passes the one pole, click and treat and make a fuss over her. Then, once she can do the one pole and is to the point where she can lead with her left shoulder from anywhere (in the vicinity) if she's standing a little bit away, then move onto the next pole which is still spaced out a lot. Once she can go through several which are well apart, then put them closer or add the others to the set. And as it was said, it's all positive, happy, fun....never one negative word. Just go back and show her it's a game. You can't get serious about this or it can wreck their speed later on. (you're probably not doing anything like that, just in case, I thought I should reiterate) Just some ideas....

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