a different perspective...


New Member
May 10, 2006
Well, As you know I'm in training along with Tinkerbell,:D and I got this advice from Shirley Chong, on her click train email list I'm on.... she warned me not to be too anxious to make Tink non reactive to strange dogs. In addition to reminding me that from Tinks point of view, these dogs AREN'T being nice or polite, that many tiny dogs do need to keep that protective side up when meeting new dogs, that in fact, their instincts are guiding them correctly, they could be in danger from a large unknown animal due to their size,and that can be an issue of owning a toy dog, many large dogs simply don't recognize her as a dog, but as prey. Food for thought, for me.
So I'm to continue what I'm doing,except, I'm to show Tink that i share her view, and maintain the vigilance for her, so she doesn't end up feeling the need to get nasty. In other words, don't feel bad about telling others with dogs out walking, don't come close...
I ordered the book, click to calm, and I'm sure it'll help with some insights also on using clicker method to teach more calm also.
And... she mentioned something I'd been supsecting...that 5 months is prime time for Tink to act like she's "forgotten" all her previous training, and this is so happening right now! Like when I say "sit," and she gives me the adorable blank look..... ah,puppies!


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Oh tink! That sounds wonderful. What a reasonable perspective. I think so many dogs have lost their ability to communicate politely with eachother because they're all on leashes and kept away from their own specie a lot. They are naive about how to be polite when they haven't had an abundance of practice as puppies. A small puppy, quite naturally has something to be concerned with. The more confident you are, the better she'll feel though about being protected.:)

You'll have to keep us posted on how she does. Yes, this age....it's like having a teenager in the house. LOL.

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