12 plea of one dog


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
1. My life lasts 10-15 years. Every departure from you means to me suffering. So consider thereof before you took me.
2. Love me the way that I am, because you choose me for a friend.
3. Give me time to realize in training what you want from me.
4. Have love for me, I live because you love me.
5. Don’t be angry at me, don’t punish me, I have only you.
6. Talk to me, I know what you think and feel.
7. Know that I don’t forget how you treat me.
8. Before you hit me think that I mite bite you, even thou I would never do.
9. Don’t have me as a toy when I’m young, don’t reject me later because my love for you is forever.
10. Take care of me when I’m old, deaf, blind; lose all my teeth, because oldness is the same for everyone.
11. Be with me on my last journey, with you it’s easier. Let that be the debt for my loyalty.
12. When I die don’t mourn, but bless some new dog, love him like you loved me.

P.s. I tried to trnaslate from my language on english. I apologize if I was wrong somewhere...

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