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  1. X

    How you doin?

    Hi. CHAZHOUND!!!!!!:D
  2. X

    Hip Dysplasia

    Hip dysplasia literally means an abnormality in the development of the hip joint. It is characterized by a shallow acetabulum (the "cup" of the hip joint) and changes in the shape of the femoral head (the "ball" of the hip joint). These changes may occur due to excessive laxity in the hip joint...
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    Flea Shampoo

    Hi Bailey:) If your dog has fleas, I would advise going to the vet also. I use frontline on my 3 dogs and it gets rid of those pesky little creatures without any problems. Shampoo and flea products off the market don't work, they are a waste of money. They are cheap and nasty....the...
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    d*mn evil laundry..

    Oh dear Debi, not your day is it:rolleyes: I recently moved house from an area with no trees and low and behold we move into one with plenty lol. They are all down the garden and you know, when winter arrives, the leaves drop off and it looks a mess. It took us ages to move them, they...
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    New Chloe pictures

    Oh how adorable:) I too prefer the color one
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    Wow! This is Great! Hello!

    Hi Lisa.:D CHAZHOUND!!!!!!!
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    Ok..Admitted New Mom Has A Concern!

    Hi Lisa. Apples can act the same way with dogs has it does us, thats why we should eat plenty of fruit! Im pleased its done something for Loki:)
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    I get to keep my pets!!!!!

    So happy for you all ;)
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    New pictures of my girl

    She is an absolute darling;)
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    What breed is right for me?

    Any dog will protect its owner and property if needed to. The Bullmastiff was solely developed to be a Guard Dog it is his built in instinct. A Bullmastiff was required to move silently through marshy scrub land, his silent ability was required to be able to spring on an unsuspecting poacher...
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    Bed time

    Charlie boy ZZzz:D
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    I am English and Welsh.
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    Pics of the dogs!

    Charlie in the garden, taken recently at the new house. He as had 2 strokes within a few weeks of each other, down the left side of his face is paralysed now. Penny, the madhatter! Patch (our little oldie).
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    Neighbor is moving and doenst want her dogs

    It is so sad that people can just get rid of there dogs just like that (moving house) is no excuse, unless there is a good reason for it. I moved house over a month ago and still have my dogs. I couldn't part with them, they were all bought up from puppies and the eldest is now 18 years old.
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    Big dogs

    Hello. Im an owner of a Bullmastiff myself and have known this breed 8 years now, but they aren't suitable for everyone especially first time dog owners, they require training, socialisation and a good handler as their a very strong breed. Bullmastiffs are loyal lovable dogs that thrive on...
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    Ever see a "Reindog"?

    Aww how cute :D
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    I wont be on for a while

    So sorry to hear that! To your Granma XXXX
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    Bull Breeds question

    Ok, thought I should choose this one for a Bullmastiff picture, "COULDN'T RESIST" his name is Buster and doing very well in the show ring, he qualified for Crufts last year! He is the sire my friend is using for her girls, both mother and daughter. They should have some lovely puppies...
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    Bull Mastiffs

    Hi there. ARE THEY EASY TO TRAIN Has I have a Bullmastiff myself, I would say they are easy to train, BUT he can become easily bord and distracted so we recommend to keep lessons short.The addition of food treats as rewards is also beneficial as they are a food driven breed of dog. We...
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    Which name?----- Please Vote!!

    Hi Jamie. Not sure how old this thread is but your boy is adorable :D How old is he now ?