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  1. S

    I hate weird haircuts on dogs, but this is awesome.

    Haha, that's cool! I like his beard. Give him a guitar and he will rock your party LOL. I agree with the others though, his nails can really ruin his reputation.
  2. S

    The RECALL GAME: Teaching your pup to come when called

    Great article, great tips, thanks Red! The second tips is new for me but so true. Now I know why my Snowy doesn't always come when I call him. So, it's natural huh? Because sometimes I feel upset with the husky not coming when I call him.
  3. S

    Lovely ladies with curly hair.. I NEED you!!

    What's wrong with curly hair? I am not a lady and my hair is not curly, but I love curly women. They are just cute and lovely. I know it will feel strange when their hair brushes my face, but that's fine. I can bear it. :)
  4. S

    Hey Everybody!

    Welcome to Chazhound. I am also pretty new here. Hope you enjoy being in this forum. Seconding Bubbatd's inquiry, are you considering to get another dog? If so, what breed will it be? Another Chihuahua?
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    Finn + sad snowman

    Haha, if I were Finn (thanks God I am not), I would leave the snowman without even asking for your permission. I would tell every dog that I am not in anyway related to him.
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    If your pet could speak and say any one thing, what would it be?

    "Leave me alone. Go and get a life" LOL. I know my Snowy won't be that rude. He is just too quiet sometimes and it tempts me to distract his contemplative state.
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    Goat birthing pics!!!

    They are soooo cute! I wonder why every baby is cute, even a baby goat. So the black one is the first? Are they identical to each other?
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    Toby being the Mini dictator.

    Yeah, I am seeing no picture in your post, making me more curious. I am a new member here, not knowing who Toby is and what he is doing. Let me know, let me know!
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    Foster Dog Update

    Yes I think they adore her. It's not always easy to be separated with the one you love. Though, love is not about being with her. Love is about getting her happy.
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    My Parrots

    I just wonder if Chiquita is male. He is cute and looks like a girl. Well, a parrot girl. Are you sure that he is male? I am not familiar to parrots. Are there any physical differences between the males and the females?
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    We are Home.

    That's great to hear that everybody are getting married. I am still not sure if I will propose her to marry me or not. I really love her but I am afraid she wouldn't like the idea of getting married.
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    Ummmm I cut my hair

    That looks long as if you haven't get it cut. I have a dream of growing hairs long, but I have neither time nor patience for taking care of it.
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    A Gang of Puppies. Cute

    What a long video. I just watch the first two minutes. They are cute and funny though. I just wonder why the kittens rejected the white puppies while they let the black one came close. Maybe because they have the similar color?
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    baby led weaning

    How cute he is! At least he could get the broccoli mutilated. :D I am not sure about the carrot. I guess it is too hard for him. Doesn't it hurt his gum?
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    Doctors said tot would never walk, pet duck proved them wrong

    That's a great story. Should we call it dr. Duck? :) It's amazing that two different species help each other. It's time to think of not only human's welfare but also animals and other beings' welfare.
  16. S

    My Parrots

    They are cute! Chiquita steals thinks and you still love him. :D How do you deal with that anyway? How is the loving way to punish your parrot? Just make sure that he don't say bad words to your guests LOL.
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    Do you ask guests to take their shoes off in your home?

    Well, we don't have such a requesting sign on the door. But our guests usually learn and know that they should take their shoes off upon seeing some shoes and sandals at the door.
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    Celebrating the first birthday

    Wow, thanks PoodleMommy for sharing the link. The website gave me some good ideas. I think I get some options already. I also consider to just take him to the dog park instead of making a birthday party. Thanks again!
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    Celebrating the first birthday

    Well, I don't have a plan yet and am not sure about the budget as well. I think I will just make a simple party, inviting some puppies and dogs around my place. :) Do you or other pet owners celebrate your pets' birthday?
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    Good Karma

    That's sweet. It's encouraging to know there are still many good people around us. Many people have helped me and I often got chances to help others in need as well, which I really thanks for. I thank those good people who helped me and let me help them.