Recent content by FastDogsOwnMe

  1. FastDogsOwnMe

    New collars

    I am guilty... of buying too many! lol
  2. FastDogsOwnMe

    New collars

    Beautiful. We have lots of those being sighthound people. It's an addiction!
  3. FastDogsOwnMe

    I secretly wish

    I wish you wouldn't have either! She is gorgeous. However, there will be others. And yes, I have regretted the same thing more than once!
  4. FastDogsOwnMe

    What are your fears?

    Anything medical. Being touched by anyone without my express permission. Doctors, nurses, needles, IVs, being put under- never had any of that and never would allow it. People being angry at me. Wasps and bees and spiders. Everything really, except dogs.
  5. FastDogsOwnMe

    My Happy, Handsome Boy

    I am- this weekend ;)
  6. FastDogsOwnMe

    A Dog For Katie

    My kid better like Borzoi :lol-sign:
  7. FastDogsOwnMe

    A Dog For Katie

    Whippets are actually really lazy and calm, and rarely bark. The only exception is at lure trials ;)
  8. FastDogsOwnMe

    A Dog For Katie

    Whippets are great- I didn't even have to read very far before I was thinking, "Well, duh- a Whippet!" Mine is 13 and the best dog ever.
  9. FastDogsOwnMe

    My Happy, Handsome Boy

    I can't get enough! More, more!!! Who is Trooper? Is he yours?
  10. FastDogsOwnMe

    Hounds- Mine, C-owned, and so on and so forth

    Clearwater was my home town. I a regular down at the pier. Ever see the red headed dude that walks around with the radio? That's my bud, Stevie.
  11. FastDogsOwnMe

    Hounds- Mine, C-owned, and so on and so forth

    The only time mine run like that is when they hear or see the BUNNY! (lure). I race my Greyhounds and Borzoi at NOTRA (amateur oval track racing) meets at the practice track in Jacksonville :) I did own a racing Greyhound pup, but she died at the training farm unexpectedly and for no known...
  12. FastDogsOwnMe

    Kaia got BIG

    Oh I LOVE them! My big guy is brindle and white too! *swoons*
  13. FastDogsOwnMe


    He is a Russian import and we call him "Ed" lol Do you have Borzoi?
  14. FastDogsOwnMe

    Hounds- Mine, C-owned, and so on and so forth

    Greyhounds are wonderful- very good apartment dogs, too ;) They all have nicknames and official names. I call the blonde and white girl Naughty but her real name is Nadia lol The big gorgeous brindle and white stallion with all the coat is a rug that breathes. EASY GOING! DH calls him Ed when...
  15. FastDogsOwnMe

    Husband in the Delivery Room

    My birth was wonderful- most births are not complicated or horrifying (or don't have to be). Don't let it stop you if you do want kids. I did not want kids, but now I would never go back!