I've decided to take a break from agility...


Mistress Wigglebutt
Aug 26, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
I think it has been a while coming, but yesterday kinda sealed my decision.

We drive 45 minutes each way to get to our indoor training facility - on the weekends, the trip costs us about $25 including training fees - during the week, my mom and I both leave work a little early so by the time you factor in the time lost at work plus travel, I'd say it costs us about $100. We have put two dogs through three levels of training this summer, which has given the club over $600. It's not like we're freeloaders.

Yesterday, the woman overseeing our training (not our actual coach, but standing in for her - who, by the way, lives about a five minute drive from the barn we are now training in) was ten minutes late and we stood around waiting... finally we decided to pull some equipment out of the trailer because we might as well look busy.... she showed up late with no apologies and proceeded to grouch and basically b*tch at my family (AP, myself and my MOM - who, by the way, is not paying anything to the club but has been very actively volunteering to set things up/tear things down/help out wherever she can - basically being a "go to girl" all summer long). I was so turned off by her disrespectful behaviour, I was ready to leave before we had even WALKED THE COURSE! This woman is a horrible teacher - she speaks to everyone like a child, is constantly grilling us - I don't know about anyone else there, but my dog is a PUPPY (*just* 12 months) and I am there to have FUN. If I wanted this kind of stress and condescenion I would have gone back to showing horses. I have never felt so disrespected in my life (and this was not just yesterday - this has been all summer when she's been "assisting" with our classes - she is fairly tame when the other coach is there because she knows she really has no business teaching, but take Jeri out of the equation and everyone is fair game for her barbs)... We suggested that maybe someone could email us a list of what we need to have out of the trailer the night before a session so we could have it all out and ready to go if we happened to be the first ones there and she nearly had a hernia, went off on a tangent. It wasn't requested in a disrespectful way and she's not even the one who would have to do it - the number of times she's stood in for Jeri I can count on one hand... and when we mentioned it to Jeri (our regular coach), she thought it was a GREAT idea, but this trainer took it very personally and defensively..

Our regular coach is nothing like this - but with three teenaged kids, she can't always find the time to be at the barn the same time that we are. I think it would be a little juvenile of me to say "I'm only training when Jeri's there.", so I am considering just taking off for the winter. Hopefully after Christmas I will build myself some two by two's and a couple of jumps and mostly work on focus.

I don't want to give this woman ALL the credit for my decision though. The barn is just not a very conducive place for Morrie to be working, I don't think. Her turning me off yesterday didn't make my decision but it made me fall a little "out of love" with what I am doing and a little more able to read my dog and forget about my desire to continue training. He is stressed out. He is constantly showing signs of distress when we are in the barn and the environment is terribly distracting (Everyone is meant to have their dogs in crates but abovementioned "trainer" and her sister brought one small Canine Camper for three keeshonds yesterday, and another woman showed up with two before her crate was set up and so there were about 8 people and four ill mannered dogs standing around the doorway).. he doesn't focus on me and he takes off on the field on a regular basis. People take all kinds of measures to protect reactive dogs and themselves against reactive dogs, but no one is taking my puppy into account - ie - I would never imagine opening the heavy sliding door and bringing my dogs in when someone else's dog was on course - but everyone seems to do it with me.

Furthermore, Morrie has just turned 12 months old (no worries about jumping, our coach has been very prudent about this!) and we have been at this since May. Maybe it is time to take some of the stress of expectation off of him and just let him be a puppy.

I don't want to sound like I am whining (though I obviously am, lol), and this has been a difficult decision for me - I have two GREAT horses that I would like to show this summer and Morrie is so laid back, I can totally see him being my "horse show dog".... and maybe if we spend some time just working together and bonding more this winter without all these expectations on him, he will be ready to go back to work in the spring...

aaaand a cookie for anyone who read through that entire thing.
May 13, 2005
Pidjun Haller, with ma uncle Palmer
Hey, it makes sense to me. I had a slightly similar situation this year, realizing that the class I was taking with my dog just wasn't working out. It's kind of frustrating to have to abandon a seemingly good plan, but when you look at your dog and notice that they're stressed, they're unhappy and they're not having fun, it's time to change course.


*Finding My Inner Fila*
Dec 26, 2005
*eats cookie*

So sorry, it all sounds so frustrating.

You need to do what is best for you and all those involved on your behalf. ;)


Obvious trollsare Obvious
Nov 30, 2006
We took beginner in May or so, and when it was done we stopped for a break. The school facilities sucked.. Cider was having regular zoomy fits that were embarrassing me, etc.

We worked alone at home for 4-5 months and went t oa new school. Intermediate was great, now in advanced she's being a pill.. and part of it is being in a horse arena.. Dog and cat poop in the dirt apparently, so we are not working as hard as we were..

I'm torn between trying rally somewhere else, and taking time off...


and Fozzie B!
May 14, 2006
Northern California
I also quit Agility training for this reason. I reeally wanted to get to a higher level of competition, but the drive was 1 hour there & 1 hour back... insane. Paying for training is totally fine, but then paying $20 in gas and spending 4 hours every time I go, you have to decide if it's worth it & if it really fits what you want to do.

I suggest looking into other sports, though. Especially if you can find a training class closer to your house! Disc classes, I think, is the easiest to train at home & the most fun, especially because you don't need to go to class weekly... and definitely the least expensive.


Mistress Wigglebutt
Aug 26, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
We don't have any other types of clubs close to home, or I definitely would be into it. LOL We are thirty minutes from the nearest grocery store, just to give you an idea about how far in the boondocks we live! The drive is fine, but I would like to be treated with a little more respect.

My mom ran into our regular trainer (Jeri) outside of our workplace the other day who said that the woman is just "like that". I'm actually kinda thankful that I was so upset with her and was able to forget about my desires for our training and see what's going on with him. She said she completely understood and she is going to send me some games I can play with him that are still really "training" but he won't think so. :) I think we're just gonna spend some time being together and bonding a little more... I'm actually really looking forward to it.

My biggest problem is that I want AP to keep going but she's not as encouraged without me...

I don't want to QUIT it all together. I love the atmosphere at trials and the rest of the folks in our club, for the most part BUT I think I need this little break to reevaluate.

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