Clicker Cult Coordinator
A friend of mine found a lost dog. He's in the Los Angeles area. His landlord let him keep the dog for a few days but now says the dog has to go (he's not allowed to have dogs.) Nobody has come forward as the owner. He's contacted a few rescues but nobody will take the dog. He called a no-kill shelter but they said they don't have space.
Is there anybody in the area who can take this dog and help try to find her owner, or if the owner doesn't show up, help her find a new home?
He needs her gone today... any help would be appreciated. If you have anybody who can help can they e-mail me? beaniepup AT gmail DOT com.
He's really upset over this because she's really a lovely little dog and he's pretty sure she has an owner, but she had no tags (only a collar) when he found her and the shelter scanned for chips but found nothing. She is a medium sized kinda fluffy (retriever type coat) dog, light in colour. I think she might be a collie mix from the photos he sent me, or just a Heinz 57 with some type of herding dog in there somewhere.
Any help would be super appreciated...
Is there anybody in the area who can take this dog and help try to find her owner, or if the owner doesn't show up, help her find a new home?
He needs her gone today... any help would be appreciated. If you have anybody who can help can they e-mail me? beaniepup AT gmail DOT com.
He's really upset over this because she's really a lovely little dog and he's pretty sure she has an owner, but she had no tags (only a collar) when he found her and the shelter scanned for chips but found nothing. She is a medium sized kinda fluffy (retriever type coat) dog, light in colour. I think she might be a collie mix from the photos he sent me, or just a Heinz 57 with some type of herding dog in there somewhere.
Any help would be super appreciated...