The Good News thread


Also, LUKE IS BACK!!!! (my cousin's baby who had to fly to a hospital in Philly)

And I'm FINALLY getting over my sickness, my voice is coming back and I'm gonna get to see the baby soon! :D I am so glad that he's finally healthy enough to be home.
Just found out I got the job!!! I'm gonna be a dog trainer!

So beyond excited, as this will be the first time I will be paid to teach people how to train their dogs!

And now I'm a little nervous, I've never trained a whole class before! I will be an assistant for some classes but they also want me to teach my own classes as well (and come up with my own curriculum).

Anyone have ideas of what some cool classes would be?
-They want me to teach my own intro to agility class based off of their curriculum- which goes over all the equipment much faster than any of my classes ever have.

Other ideas I had:
- tricks class
-intro to disc work they wanted me to do.. So thinking rollers, some basic toss and catches, and various tricks found in disc work?
-reactive dog class
-body awareness/conditioning class
-possibly some privates

Anyone want to throw other ideas out? I will be assisting in agility, obedience and possibly a flyball class.

I will have free mat time so I can play with angel again (with low jumps and contacts) and get Chloe started again! Eee I'm so excited.
Just found out I got the job!!! I'm gonna be a dog trainer!

So beyond excited, as this will be the first time I will be paid to teach people how to train their dogs!

And now I'm a little nervous, I've never trained a whole class before! I will be an assistant for some classes but they also want me to teach my own classes as well (and come up with my own curriculum).

Anyone have ideas of what some cool classes would be?
-They want me to teach my own intro to agility class based off of their curriculum- which goes over all the equipment much faster than any of my classes ever have.

Other ideas I had:
- tricks class
-intro to disc work they wanted me to do.. So thinking rollers, some basic toss and catches, and various tricks found in disc work?
-reactive dog class
-body awareness/conditioning class
-possibly some privates

Anyone want to throw other ideas out? I will be assisting in agility, obedience and possibly a flyball class.

I will have free mat time so I can play with angel again (with low jumps and contacts) and get Chloe started again! Eee I'm so excited.

If you post your own thread you may get more comments!
Gabby and I showed twice in Rally Novice B at our local specialty yesterday. For some reason AKC rattles my nerves like it never used to. So the first run I handled like crap and she did everything I asked. We got a generous 82 (we definitely passed but I made a bunch of handling errors). That was Q #2.

I was a much better handler in the next trial (except for my leash handling, stupid leashes I don't train with) and we got a 93! Q #3 for her RN.

The environment was really hard for her, not in a stress way but it was loud and distracting. When she mostly relies on hearing me, it was hard for her to do so with obedience in the next ring and conformation behind us.

I am just so proud of the dog she has become. I certainly never expected to actually be able to compete with her! And here we are, figuring this trial stuff out.

Ok, I'll try that, just wasn't sure if it was worthy of its own thread.. But I did ask a lot of questions..
I think a good rule of thumb is if you are anticipating/would like answers to a question or feedback, then it is worth a thread of its own, no matter how "unimportant" it may seem.
10 more weeks!!!!:banana:

Let the count down begin!!!

Why do I have a feeling these next 10 weeks are going to take just as long as the prior 20 weeks...
I didn't realize that watching the behind the scenes of Mariana's Trench videos would make me so bloody happy. But this band is hilarious.

...yeah. I just feel like I post in the vent thread too much. Pomegranate.
****ing puppy.
Staying in SLC for the night, and we put her in her crate to go have dinner around 7. When we came back at 10, we noticed a puppy in the window. Of our room. I expected the room to be covered in excrement, the cords and bags to be chewed, the soap to be eaten, luggage rack to be chewed, trash eaten, dog treats and kibble to be eaten, and furniture to be chewed.

Nope. The room was exactly as I left it. She definitely snuggled on the bed, and I had to clean nose-prints off the window, but that's the only way you'd know. She peed as soon as we took her out and was obviously holding it, so she's not only housebroken, but she can generalize what "indoors" is.

The cleaning crew let me know she'd been there for hours, watching the cars and people go by silently. They didn't go in or let her out. She slid the lock open, then lifted the door while pushing it to unhook and open it. That's quite a chain of behaviors to learn. I've seen her sliding the lock before, but she never opened anything. She had to have learned by experimenting and watching us.

She is ridiculously smart. She's sleeping in bed with us tonight and I'm getting her some ice cream tomorrow for not destroying anything or making a nuisance of herself.
Last year's honey bee hive swarmed on Friday, but it looks like we successfully captured them and put them into a new hive. On a related note, anyone want any bee pictures?
Saw a peacock on the way home today. I honestly had no idea that they were wild in WI. It was so beautiful and really awesome to see outside of a zoo.
Kittens will be 8 weeks old on Saturday. This means next week, so long as everyone is 2 pounds, they'll be speutered and on the way to their new homes! Zoe, River, and Theodore all have adoptive homes. Simon and Alvin will be leaving me for another foster. Inara will be staying with me to completely recover from her respiratory issues/pnemonia (and then maybe past that point, who knows:dunno::o) and will be spayed at a later date.

I'm going to be SO HAPPY to get these dirty nasty messy kittens out of my house, but I'm going to miss all of my clumsy baby ninjas. I will definitely be doing this again down the road.
I picked up some furniture I bought a couple weeks ago, and brought it to my aunt's house since she's storing it in her garage for me until I close in a couple weeks. This is obviously super generous/helpful all on its own (furniture store wouldn't hold it until I move since it was the floor model - they wanted it out of there). When I got there, I was presented with gifts - she basically gave me a "starter kit" of all the little things that you need, but don't necessarily think of. A garbage can, toilet plunger, paper towels, aluminum foil, dish soap, sponges, ziploc bags of various sizes, disinfecting wipes, cookie sheets, flashlight etc etc. Along with a stake for a tie-out, which is cool because I was just about to buy one.
And also her little Keurig which she used once and didn't like. :D

Am I excited yet?? I don't know.
I picked up some furniture I bought a couple weeks ago, and brought it to my aunt's house since she's storing it in her garage for me until I close in a couple weeks. This is obviously super generous/helpful all on its own (furniture store wouldn't hold it until I move since it was the floor model - they wanted it out of there). When I got there, I was presented with gifts - she basically gave me a "starter kit" of all the little things that you need, but don't necessarily think of. A garbage can, toilet plunger, paper towels, aluminum foil, dish soap, sponges, ziploc bags of various sizes, disinfecting wipes, cookie sheets, flashlight etc etc. Along with a stake for a tie-out, which is cool because I was just about to buy one.
And also her little Keurig which she used once and didn't like. :D

Am I excited yet?? I don't know.


sounds like your aunt is super nice! I got a little gift basket similar when I moved to my apartment and they are things I never would have thought about until I went to get it and realized I didn't have it! I am always so thankful for that hamper full of goodies!

You should be excited! I am excited for you.. but that could be because I want a house of my own soooo bad!
Tomorrow I am dropping off a box of products to a local chiropractic office. This is my first physical location that my products will be carried!

Of course, being me I procrastinated and am finishing up the salts and scrubs now......