Sudden fear of loud noises


May 4, 2013
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We adopted Grace, a Miniature Schnauzer, about 3 years ago. The shelter thought she was about 3 years old. I thought it was great that she had no reaction to thunderstorms as our previous dog was terrified of them. All of a sudden, this year she is afraid of thunder, the noise of fireworks and even when a band plays at a nearby tavern (bass drum noise). She shakes, pants and basically tries to melt into my body. I basically just sit calmly and let her shake and drool all over me. I don't reprimand her or comfort her. Has anyone else had this happen where a dog suddenly becomes fearful of noises. I have racked my brain and cant think of anything different that would have set this off.
Some dogs do develop noise phobias as they age, but I'd have a full vet check done, including bloodwork, and check hearing if possible.
I would second the vet check.

I've had 3 miniature schnauzers. My first/oldest has always reacted very badly, like what you describe to loud noises or super high pitched noises (some I can't even hear). Although, I think she is getting better about some things and worse on others with age.

Lily was bombproof and wasn't afraid of anything. Chloe is my reactive one but she isn't afraid of loud noises.. She was afraid of everything else though! Lol.

But yeah, just have the vet check to make sure everything is fine. Then I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Thanks all! She is such a sweetie it is hard to see her freaking out like that. I ordered her a Thunder Shirt from Amazon and am hoping it will help her.
Ripley was extremely sound sensitive, but he was from the start. As others say, do vet check to rule out any problems first. If nothing, I did counter conditioning with Rip and it helped a lot. He's not perfect, but about 95% better. He use to jet from the garbage and mail truck, now he goes right up on them wagging tail. Thunder he didn't have as strong of a reaction to, but the little incidents he did...I just ignored and treated when he wasn't reacting. Fireworks was stronger reaction, but again...

I went as far as finding sound effects on youtube...starting them out low, increasing volume to max slowly. Some dogs this doesn't work with, but it did with him.

Maybe try looking up some more on counter conditioning and sound sensitivity and how to work with it if not a medical problem.

Good luck!
Unfortunately I can say this happen to my Chihuahua mix. She was in a car accident, and after that she was very fearful of loud and sudden noises.

However, I guess in this case there was a clear and strong clause. Maybe something happen to your dog that you are not aware of that cause a similar trigger.

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