Strange Dog Behavior - PLEASE HELP!

Apr 24, 2008
I have a 6 y/o male lab/pit mix. He is a great dog and has been a little on the skittish side ever since he was hit by a car. He can follow commands, just tends to get over-stimulated very easily. The vet described it as like a computer crashing - his brain overloads and you just can't calm him down or get him to listen. This has improved since we had him neutered, about 6 months ago. Here are the events of the last week:

1. We took him to a local dog park - first time since being neutered. He was SO GOOD! Listened and did not freak out at all.
2. We took him home and went out to dinner with another couple - they had been at the dog park with us. They left their adult female lab mix (spayed) at the house while we went to dinner. When we returned all seemed fine at the house.
3. Later that evening my dog went into the bathroom and began drinking from the toilet, which he has NEVER done in 6 years. (We later found out that my friend's dog drinks from the toilet, and we think our dog saw her do it.)
4. Since then, he will not drink from his water dish unless forced, or really, really thirsty. He almost acts scared of the water bowl or the water. He approaches it like it is a snake or something. As the week has gone on, he is now doing the same thing with his food bowl. He only eats if I drag him to the bowl and tell him to eat, and he acts scared of the bowl the whole time.
5. His activity or demeanor has not really changed in any other way, except for the food/water thing.

Does anyone have any idea why my dog would be doing this? Could something have happened while we were gone to make him act this way? Help!

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