Seperation anxiety?


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
My mom believes Tucker has seperation anxiety. He has always barked and howled when she goes to work but apparently in the last couple on weeks it's gotten worse. My brother leaves an hour after mom but mom put tucker in his pen before she leaves. He is not crated, he's put in a pen in the kitchen with toys, a bed, and water.

My brother said his tantrum when she leaves is WAY worse, he screams like he's being killed and slams himself into the pen, my brother thinks he'll hurt himself. The last two days he has also pooped in the pen, something he has not done once since they started penning him in September. She was starting to let him be loose in the kitchen when he was empty and went on short trips (like an hour long) but since he started pooping in the pen she doesn't know if she should keep it up. During these times she leaves and he's out of the pen he still flips out. However he has not been destructive, besides the pooping. Mom said he is also very cingy with her, follows her EVERYwhere. He HAS to be penned every weekday while she's at work, we cannot afford daycare everyday.

Do you think this is SA and if so does anyone have any ideas of what we can do about it?


Thread Killer
Jan 31, 2007
Cranston, RI
Sorry to hijack - I have a very similar problem and am hoping to get some feedback - starting a new thread just seemed redundant.

My lab mix, Jager, is 4 and a half. In the past 3 or 4 weeks, it seems like I can't leave the room without him pooping on the floor. This morning, he had already pooped and I went upstairs (I live in my parents basement, and he isn't allowed in the rest of the house) for maybean hour, and when I came back down he had pooped. There was no barking or bell ringing or any indication that he wanted/needed to go outside.

Jager has separation anxiety and (I've been told) barks when he hears my car pull out of the driveway. But usually if I don't leave the house he is quiet, but barks to let me know he needs to go out and relieve himself. This hasn't been the case lately.

I've also noticed that he's making a lot of whimpering noises in his sleep. Is it possible he's scared or nervous at being alone?

I'm reintroducing the crate, but very slowly. So far he's only been in it for about an hour with the door shut, and he gets tons of treats and praise when he chooses to go in and lay down on his own. I'm really hoping that I don't have to abruptly start crating him whenever I leave, but I can't have him pooping just because I'm not standing over him... Any insight as to why he's doing this or how to stop it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Nov 1, 2010
Here are some tips that I think might help out, or at least point you in the right direction.

1. It might be worth visiting your local vet to get a diagnosis of SA. You may get a referral to a animal behaviorist.
2. Bring the time you are leaving right down. eg. pick up the keys like you're leaving, go out the door, but only leave for 1 - 2 minutes and see what happens. You'll eventually be able to increase the time apart.
3. Avoid exciting your dog to much before you leave, and when you get back. Basically you need to almost pretend they're invisible. This will help them get used to you not being there.

Hopefully those 3 tips will help out. Good luck

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