Saving Artoo


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Hi all, I don't know if this is allowed on the forum or not, but I'm desperate for help for my cat, Artoo.

Artoo is a year old, we were given him by someone who was going to take him to the shelter when he was just a little kitten. He's an amazing cat. He'll run around the house trotting like a horse in a field, very fabulously :lol-sign: And he'll do a little hop up on his hind legs for pets and attention. He's really an awesome cat. He is now a year old (turned one in august), and two weeks ago, he had difficulty urinating. He had been straining for the last two days to urinate, and the second day, was only peeing a couple of drops. We took him to the vet with whatever we could afford, and once at the vet, Artoo was laying on his side and crying in pain. He began to pee blood, something he hadn't done before. The vet gave us the option to put him down, put him through a surgery called a perineal urethostomy which is about 2000$, or to have him stay overnight to get flushed and have a catheter put in, which was out of our budget as well but better than putting our mustache cat to sleep. He said there was a small chance the catheter procedure would work, but knowing what a tough boy Artoo is, we tried it out.

Fortunately, the next day, he was doing great. They had put a catheter in him, crushed up a crystal that was blocking him up, and flushed out any excess that they could get. He was prescribed pain killers, muscle relaxants, and anti inflammatory for the following 6 days, and put on urinary SO canned foods for life.

Unfortunately a day after he was off his meds, he started having problems urinating again. After a consultation from a specialist, we're going to have to get the perinal urethostomy done for him. We need help raising money for him now.

I do realize that owning animals that we can't afford isn't ideal, but this came at a really bad timing where my family is in a difficult situation at the moment. We did what we could to pay for Artoo's first procedure, and are just asking if anyone can help donate, or even give some good vibes, we would appreciate it so much! This is our page:

I'll be posting updates and pictures of Artoo's entire journey fighting through this. There is also a donation link somewhere on the page. I apologize if this can't be posted, I'm just desperate to save my boy once again. If anyone has any questions, or even help with suggestions or anything, feel free to. Anything is greatly appreciated. :)

May 4, 2010
I shared the fb page on my fb. I have several cat people on there, and a few years ago I was in your shoes with my cat Bear. He made it thru the surgery just fine. Several wonderful people helped us get up the money, and I maxed out my Care card too. But he got thru it. I plan on donating a little in a couple days. Paying it forward. ;)

Good luck, keep us updated!


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Thank you so much! It was really unexpected to us, and I had no idea that cystitis was so common in cats. I'm putting all my cats (and dogs) on raw as soon as I can afford it, and getting the cats a fountain. Luckily Artoo is a tough boy. It wasn't easy to see him in pain, and I hope never having to see him in that state again. :( Once again, thank you! And how is Bear now? Was he fine after the surgery, and what food are you feeding him now? Sorry for all the questions!

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