Return of the puppy!

Oct 2, 2006
Has anyone else seen their adult dogs go through a second "puppy phase"? Moro is a couple months over a year old, so she's still pretty young, but lately she has been acting REALLY young :D At about 1 year old it seemed like she had started to grow up, had become a little more 'aloof', independent, and less cuddly than she was as a puppy...but these last couple weeks, suddenly she's been like 'OMG HOLD ME!!' and wanting to crawl up in our laps and cuddle all the time...We love her and don't mind letting her cuddle on us, but she's about 75 lbs now so she's a little overwhelming ;) she's also been really silly and playful, constantly wanting to play ball or wrestle with Midas. She seems to be going through a jealous phase with Midas too, whenever we pay attention to him she'll get this outraged look on her face and try to get the attention back on herself.... it has been cute and fun, but the other night, she chewed up the cord to an electric floor fan!! (it was unplugged) This is weird behavior for her because we've NEVER had a problem with her chewing electrical wires or cords, we have a computer, playstation, tv, lamps etc. plugged in and she could easily get them if she really wanted to, but she never seemed interested in cords. We've been watching her carefully now around electronics, but she hasn't done it again.

She's also 'in love' with our roommate, he's her buddy...he went away for three days recently to see his family, and while he was gone, she was just heartbroken...she'd lay in front of the door to his room and just look so sad...when he came home, she was very hyper and wagging her tail and zooming around, but after she calmed down from the initial excitement of seeing him again, it was like she was "mad" at him for leaving. He'd call her over and she'd come close to him, and then turn her nose up at him and go lay down in a corner staring at him like "how dare you leave me!" ;)

What do you think could be causing her to behave like this? Is this a normal thing for young dogs to go through? Also, I wondered about spaying and behavior during what would be a heat.... she was spayed at 8 months, she had not yet had her first heat at this point. Do dogs who are spayed before their first heat still have hormone changes etc. during what would be their normal heat if they were unaltered? I'm wondering if we had not spayed her, if she would be about ready to start having her first heat, but I don't know.

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