I have a 12week old puppy who I've been struggling to get to fully empty her bladder outside, using every trick I've been able to get my hands on, but none of them had any luck. She always came in and peed on my carpet no matter how many times I took her out or for how long. I had already been considering trying to use training pads while she builds up some more bladder control and learns to empty her bladder all the way when I visited the vet and found out that she has both roundworm and giardia (not showing any symptoms of either, thankfully) and now I'm even more hesitant to take her outside to do her business thinking about how she hasn't been fully vaccinated yet and there's just no way to avoid being about other dogs and their excrement outside my NYC apartment, even if I try my hardest. I know that a lot of trainers say that you absolutely should never use training pads, but I'm at a loss for what else to do. And I know it will just make it that much harder to train her to go outside, but I feel like it's more important to keep her safe, is it not?