Puppy name suggestions needed!


Feb 8, 2013
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I don't want to jinx myself, but I may be taking in a training foster this week who needs a name! She's an 8 week old sable GSD from a 'C' litter who will be training in IPO, so she'll needs a C name that is two syllables or less, or is easily shortened to an abbreviated name. I am of course terrible with female names, so I only have a few ideas. I like female names that are feminine and unique, but not overly cutesy, like Cuddles or something.

My favorite name before hearing a litter letter was Dahlia. I am still stuck on it even after hearing some suggestions from others. Somebody told me that the name Cedalia/Cedahlia is actually real, so I was thinking of going with that. Or just doing C'Dahlia. I'm just so indecisive!!!!

I met two brother littermates on Sunday and will be meeting the girly on Wednesday to see if she may work out. These are some shots of the boys to give you an idea of their level of cuteness ;) I will have more of the girl on Wednesday of course. She is darker than these two and a little more fluffy.

Convict vom Oz Haus by Gator_Dog, on Flickr

Convict vom Oz Haus by Gator_Dog, on Flickr

Charlie vom Oz Haus by Gator_Dog, on Flickr

Thanks in advance!!!

Well, I was thinking that I like character names as well, and I like the idea of the name Catness (Hunger Games) and I could shorten that to Cat.

Plus then in her blind search I could say "Here Kitty Kitty" :p
She is adorable!

Female "C" names (although I suck at names LOL):
Cora (Kor-ah), Cara (Care-ah or Car-ah)
Chara (pronounced Shara)
Cyndy ("Cyn" for short)
Caira (Kye-rah)
Cayti (Kay-tee)

Yah, so, most of those sounded the same...but I tried!

Course, that is awesome!
**** it, that is a cute puppy!

Well, I was thinking that I like character names as well, and I like the idea of the name Catness (Hunger Games) and I could shorten that to Cat.

Plus then in her blind search I could say "Here Kitty Kitty" :p

I love the name. It's spelled Katniss, though. :) It's actually a type of plant.
**** it, that is a cute puppy!

I love the name. It's spelled Katniss, though. :) It's actually a type of plant.

I like it too. It would have to be with a C, for registration purposes, like Catniss. I could either call her Cat or Ness or any version of those two for short.

Although I have a tendency to just make up call names a few months in that are completely unrelated to the registered name. Aiden is called Gator most of the time so I could always go that route.
Oh and another idea, a Game of Thrones fan suggested the name Cersei (sir-say) and the more I say it, the more I like it...Thoughts?
Oh and another idea, a Game of Thrones fan suggested the name Cersei (sir-say) and the more I say it, the more I like it...Thoughts?

I like the sound of the name but... uh... Cersei is a pretty vile character, albeit sexy and powerful, LOL.
I like the sound of the name but... uh... Cersei is a pretty vile character, albeit sexy and powerful, LOL.

LOL! I watched the first three episodes and found that out. I also like the idea of the name Caleesi (again, spelled the wrong way to change the K to a C).
I like the sound of the name but... uh... Cersei is a pretty vile character, albeit sexy and powerful, LOL.

I like the name, LOVE the sound of the name. I know nothing about Game of Thrones, but I'd still totally name a dog Davros or Borusa or Jagrafess despite the characters being what they are, so...:lol-sign:
I like the name, LOVE the sound of the name. I know nothing about Game of Thrones, but I'd still totally name a dog Davros or Borusa or Jagrafess despite the characters being what they are, so...:lol-sign:

Me too! I think I have it narrowed down to Cersei or Caleesi. And C'Dahlia as a fallback just in case neither really fit.
LOL! I watched the first three episodes and found that out. I also like the idea of the name Caleesi (again, spelled the wrong way to change the K to a C).

Yes, I also watched that show. It was good. Caleesi is it?
I like Cersei. That would have been Shamans name if he'd have been female. Of course, I really like the character, too, so that colors things.

Just as a heads up Caleesi has become extremely popular where I am as a name. Not sure if that changes things, but I thought id toss it out there.
I like Caleesi, call her Cali if you want a 2 syllable related call name. :)
I like the name, LOVE the sound of the name. I know nothing about Game of Thrones, but I'd still totally name a dog Davros or Borusa or Jagrafess despite the characters being what they are, so...:lol-sign:

YES. or Atraxi. ooooo! King of the Cybermen, you could call her Cy!

sorry if i'm geeing out an no one knows what i'm talking about. If you don't, go watch Dr Who.