PUPPIES. (Picture updates within)


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
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I know I'm going to be taking a ton of photos of these guys, so I figured I'd make a thread for their progression from hamsters to actual puppies!

These guys were part of a litter of nine found in a ditch, three merle, the rest black and tan. Their chosen foster never came to pick them up, so the foster coordinator called me and asked if I'd be willing to take them on. So, here they are!

All three of them are girls, breed unknown at this point. Feel free to share your guesses! Winner gets bragging rights. They also still need names...right now they're just "The Merle One", "The Medium One" and "The Small One". We'd like to give them a themed name set, but we can't think of any theme that has a set of three female names that we like. Ideas?

The day I picked them up from the shelter, likely two days old:
20150901_161139-1 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150901_174929-1 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150901_190944-1 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr

They grew SO MUCH in just two days!
20150903_125038 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150903_184731 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150903_185502 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr

Yesterday we moved them from my husband's office into the kitchen, to give the animals more exposure to them. Butters is in LOVE. Histamine ignores them. Abrams thinks they're weird, and poor Cynder walks out of her way to avoid them and won't look at them.
20150905_110804 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr

Sleepy puppies:
20150905_110035-1 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150905_120155 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
After feeding cuddles last night:
20150905_213527 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150905_214229 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150905_214240 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150905_214858 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150905_214904 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr

From this morning after feeding, about a week old! =)
20150906_094214-1 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr
20150906_093840 by Andrea Frey, on Flickr

They're ears aren't open yet, I'm hoping when that happens that will give me a better idea of their actual age. But right now they're on the right track to having an August 31st birthday. :)

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