Wookie Collie
I was away for an amazing wedding this past weekend.
It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me all weekend though - my six-year old little girl ferret, Porom, plummeted downhill on Thursday afternoon before we left. She was disoriented, cool to the touch, and unable to hold her bowels. A vet visit ruled out insulinoma, meaning it was a mystery. She went home with a small treatment regime, and in the hands of JessLough, who as you know has tons of experience with ferrets, so I knew she was in good hands.
Friday morning she seemed a little more alert, but still not really improving. I snuggled her close and kissed her little pale nose and told her I loved her.
By the time Jess got there, she was listless and bleeding out of her anus. I was in Toronto at this point. We were trying to phone-facilitate a vet visit for euthanasia at that point (and getting Jess a lift to the vet) but she died at home before we could help her. Jess and my friend Lynda took her to the vet for aftercare.
I'm so thankful to Jess for being with her at the end. I feel so guilty for not being there, but if I wasn't, I'm glad Jess was.
She was my very first ferret. A pro snuggler who always preferred life upside-down, a diva who would scream during nail trims, and a princess who loved using her ferret siblings as her own personal warm bed.
Coming home to her missing made it hurt all the more. I miss her so much.
Photos, of course.
Her and Palom, a few days after coming home.
The original "trio" between Jess and I - Palom, Porom and Rascal.
First birthday, haha. Always a troublemaker.
Then Palom got sick. Really sick. He died at the tender age of 1.5 in 2010. Porom snuggled him right to the end.
During that time alone, Jess brought Rascal over a bunch, which Porom loved.
Then a few months later, I brought a teenage male weaselbeast home, and after a hormonal settle, things were right as rain again.
And then Freya came home on a bit of a whim a few months later. Porom loved her and the trio remained so until February of this year.
This is one of my last good photos of her. It's at the old house and the poor bathroom lighting gave it a neat ethereal look.
Goodbye my sweet girl. I hope that you're back with Palom, Rascal, Freya and the others. I will miss you so much.
It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me all weekend though - my six-year old little girl ferret, Porom, plummeted downhill on Thursday afternoon before we left. She was disoriented, cool to the touch, and unable to hold her bowels. A vet visit ruled out insulinoma, meaning it was a mystery. She went home with a small treatment regime, and in the hands of JessLough, who as you know has tons of experience with ferrets, so I knew she was in good hands.
Friday morning she seemed a little more alert, but still not really improving. I snuggled her close and kissed her little pale nose and told her I loved her.
By the time Jess got there, she was listless and bleeding out of her anus. I was in Toronto at this point. We were trying to phone-facilitate a vet visit for euthanasia at that point (and getting Jess a lift to the vet) but she died at home before we could help her. Jess and my friend Lynda took her to the vet for aftercare.
I'm so thankful to Jess for being with her at the end. I feel so guilty for not being there, but if I wasn't, I'm glad Jess was.
She was my very first ferret. A pro snuggler who always preferred life upside-down, a diva who would scream during nail trims, and a princess who loved using her ferret siblings as her own personal warm bed.
Coming home to her missing made it hurt all the more. I miss her so much.
Photos, of course.
Her and Palom, a few days after coming home.

The original "trio" between Jess and I - Palom, Porom and Rascal.

First birthday, haha. Always a troublemaker.

Then Palom got sick. Really sick. He died at the tender age of 1.5 in 2010. Porom snuggled him right to the end.

During that time alone, Jess brought Rascal over a bunch, which Porom loved.

Then a few months later, I brought a teenage male weaselbeast home, and after a hormonal settle, things were right as rain again.

And then Freya came home on a bit of a whim a few months later. Porom loved her and the trio remained so until February of this year.

This is one of my last good photos of her. It's at the old house and the poor bathroom lighting gave it a neat ethereal look.

Goodbye my sweet girl. I hope that you're back with Palom, Rascal, Freya and the others. I will miss you so much.